Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ip Hide Free Linux Ubuntu

This copy of Windows is not genuine!

Non so per quale misterioso motivo, la mia copia autentica di Windows Vista continua saltuariamente a uscirsene fuori con questo irritante messaggio, impresso in fondo a destra nel desktop: "Questa copia di Windows non è autentica".
Niente, neppure un punto esclamativo che ironizzi sull'inattesa situazione.. vorrebbero proprio farmelo credere, ma questa volta è autentica cacchio.. almeno questa copia, lo è!
Il messaggio, anche questo per cause ancora ignote, scompare dopo qualche riavvio senza che ne rimanga alcuna traccia...
A volte, prima della inquietante scritta sul desktop, è possibile che compaia un ulteriore messaggio, in una squallida dialog come questa:

"Spedizione aggiornamento facoltativa non funzionante"

"Il software in uso potrebbe essere contraffatto"

"Per usare tutte le funzionalità di Microsoft Windows,
come Tutti gli aggiornamenti da Windows Update,
ottenere gli ultimi aggiornamenti e ricevere il supporto tecnico,
you should verify the authenticity of your copy of Microsoft Windows in use "

" Connect to the Internet to solve the problem "

So, let me know, your computer crashes, intimacy that are counterfeit, because a phantom, not specified or approved, "dispatch update OPTIONAL" appears to be broken?!?
What do you mean?! but who are you? what did you do?! And above all: what the heck you wanted to send?? O_o
The disturbing situation occurs again, at least in my case, with a nearly bi-monthly, but always from day to day, without any apparent cause.
On the Internet I found many cases similar to mine, but anyone who has seriously investigated the possible causes of the problem.
Pending understand something more - and to share with you the possible discovery - I can tell you what I noticed and / or suspicion
  • message appears when I connect to the internet for a few days or when they are behind an HTTP proxy: it is possible that Windows Vista will, inevitably, to verify the license with a certain frequency that can not be denied!
    Once we were the ones who decide what software could and should do .. Today, however, must be his grateful if you do understand what they are doing and what they claim to not lock continuously ...
  • the message will disappear when Windows Vista re-establishes a connection to the Intenet and is therefore able to reactivate your copy
E 'in every way possible to use the Windows software license management - command " slmgr.vbs " - to investigate the possible causes and groped some solution:

In particular, opening the command console with administrator privileges, you can type the command " slmgr.vbs / ato " to force the activation of license.
To ensure the effective outcome of any operation is always necessary to restart the computer ...
will This is the right time?!? ... O_o ...