Sunday, November 22, 2009

Protouch Hair Straightener

How do the hack on how to certify applications

As usual I will share my particular experience in the hope of being useful to those in search of a solution or a simple explanation, ending up in some way to this blog! That is the subject of forums there are many but often, as happened to me, are too general and scattered compared to the case that interests us. For this reason immediately clear that the above has been tested specifically on a Nokia N78 brand TIM fw 12,046, while the procedure is valid and applicable to all devices Symbian S60 3rd, 3rd FP1, FP2 3rd and 5th Edition, brandizzati o meno che siano (per una lista completa dei dispositivi guarda in fondo a questo post).
Per prima cosa occorre brevemente capire a cosa serve questo benedetto hack ! Detto in poche parole l' hack serve ad accedere a porzioni di memoria e del filesystem del cellulare, altrimenti inaccessibili (come cartelle e files di sistema). Una volta effettuato sarà poi possibile leggere e scrivere in queste zone protette in modo da modificare , patchare o crackare (come meglio si voglia dire) tutti quei files che, per diverse esigenze, lo necessitano. Sarà ad esempio possibile disattivare, editando simply a file, a function of junk on this screen StandBy , such as calendar entries or that annoying message "no news is not viewed " dell'indesideratissima and inutilissima application News Click (who has a branded cell Tim know what I mean!). Another thing possible, and probably one that pushes all and most of all to make the hack, is to change the program assigned to install applications on your device, such installserver running on the phone, and normally does not allow 'installation of unsigned applications or "unsigned".
clarified for big lines do you need a hack jump straight to the facts!
There is a program called HelloOX2 , arrived in early October to version 2.3 available at this address , precisely allowing full access to the folders and system files. The program includes an internal tool called ROMPatcher + that allows you to apply patches (either existing or personal fulfillment) on your mobile. The peculiarity of these patches is not "definitive" but can be activated if necessary on the phone and remaining in effect only until the phone is turned off. Questo consente di sperimentare nuove patches (o utilizzarne di esistenti) senza il timore di causare problemi irreversibili sul proprio dispositivo. In particolare con ROMPatcher+ incluso in HelloOX2 v2.03 sono presenti già due utilissime patches pronte per essere semplicemente attivate:
  • Installserver_FP2
    permette di installare sul proprio dispositivo tutte le applicazioni unsigned che si desidera
  • Open4All_RP+
    permette di accedere alle cartelle protette di sistema
L'applicazione HelloOX2 v2.03 is made available on the official website of the author in two versions:
  • signed
    or already signed to be installed and used with your particular device, without any further rounds. In exchange for a donation is requested, be made by PayPal, the author.
  • unsigned
    or not yet signed and that requires a valid certificate to be " signata " before installation.
a rule, I encourage you to first choice (because, if nobody will help with some donation, the author certainly does not continue to issue updates in the future) but I would be hypocritical in doing so and then it would be too easy!
Instead, in choosing the second path, there should be a few more steps before you can install the application and then make the ' hack. In particular, you certify the application HelloOX2_v2.03.Unsigned.sis using one of the procedures described in the previous post "How to certify unsigned applications.
Once signed the application install it: During the installation process will be mapped to the system folders in virtual drives, copying files hacking needed virtual drive, enabled file system, a mapped virtual drives, installed the root certificate installed and finally ROMPatcher + v2.2.
installation is complete it just started. In the screen that appears on the list you will see the two patches discussed above: Installserver_FP2 and Open4All_RP + . Activate the first simply "clicking" and exit the program as well. If you're lucky you should already be able to install unsigned applications , try!
If patch does not however have the effect hoped for, turn it off (at same way as you have turned on) and consider one of these two alternatives:
  • searched in the forum (see links at the end of post) a patch 's installerserver that is specific for your phone, or for your model and firmware version: you have to do is find a file type installserver.rpm , copy the directory patches, which ROMPatcher + have already created in your memory card , restart the application, enable this new patch (which will appear automatically in the list of patches available) and see if it works (trying to install any unsigned application ).
    This solution, as well as the application of any patch , there is no risk and is always reversible: simply turn off the patch, or power cycle the phone, go back to business as usual. Try the patches, therefore, does not cost anything!
  • searched in the forum (see links at the end of post) a version already patched 's installerserver that is specific to your phone, or for your model and firmware version: you have to do is to find a file type installserver.exe , activate the patch Open4All_RP + , copy directory c: \\ sys \\ bin and see if it works (trying to install any unsigned application ).
    This solution, as well as any tampering with system files, always has a minimal risk, though in most cases (including this one), it is reversible: in fact, just delete the file you just copied back to business as usual (if you change or overwrite a file, however, always advisable to make a backup copy first, to be able to restore later if necessary).
One detail that should be stressed is that the use of patch is "not final" in the sense that every time you would like to install an unsigned will need to activate the patch by ROMPatcher + (a unless it is set in auto mode , which means that is activated by one each time the phone) while editing or adding files between those systems is a modification of "definitive" in the sense that, less than do the reverse operation (when possible), is still up and running at every system reboot. If you then make a change that makes system crash during boot will no longer be possible to reverse the operation to restore the system in the stable configuration. For this reason, if you want to experience new hack you should do so making a patch rather than directly editing system files! The name of the program further clarifies the issue: all files that reside in ROM can be patched , at run-time, with this program.

For those who want to tweak in the system files or those who are forced, in the absence of a patch for his mobile phone, to use the second solution, I suggest you download and install X-plore , a file manager for mobile devices with many advanced features (including a hex editor) available as shareware to this address . Obviously, in order to access system files will still be necessary to have carried out the 'hack , as explained above, and you enable the patch Open4All_RP + .

For any questions or concerns, please write in the comments of this post!

Phones Supported
  • SymbianOS 9.1 (3rd)
    3250 - 5500 - E50 - E60 - E61 - E61i - E62 - E65 - E70 - N71 - N73 - N75 - N77 - N80 - N91 - N92 - N93 - N93i
  • SymbianOS 9.2 (3rd FP1)
    5700 - 6110 - 6120 - 6121 - 6124 - 6290 - E51 - E63 - E66 - E71 - E90 - N76 - N81 - N81 8Gb - N82 - N95 - N95 8Gb
  • SymbianOS 9.3 (3rd FP2)
    5320 - 5630 - 5730 - 6210 - 6220 - 6650 - 6710 - 6720 - E52 - E55 - E72 - E75 - N78 - N79 - N85 - N86 - N96
  • SymbianOS 9.4 (5th)
    5530 - 5800 - N97 - Samsung Omnia i8910 Hd
Links Utili
Per ulteriori dettagli e approfondimenti vi rimando ai due forum che believe is the most comprehensive on this and other topics

How Could Have Vegeta Loved Someone

SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned

Certify or " signare " application literally means a signature, or certify in order to ensure and validate authenticity and origin. It 'the same mechanism applied for secure Internet sites: exporting a certificate issued by a guarantor, the site allows the browser to authenticate the source by analyzing a signature, in a game of public and private key encryption that does not allow cheating. For software, the concept is the same: every manufacturer, applying its own signature, provides its applications already authorities designated and then ready to be authenticated and used by the device that is safe, in this case, on its origin. unsigned application, however, does not provide any information that can ensure the device to the origin and therefore reliability. For this reason with Symbian S60 3rd Edition è stata negata la stessa installazione di applicazioni unsigned in modo da prevenire la propagazione di applicazioni malevole che possano danneggiare in qualche modo il dispositivo. Una questione di sicurezza insomma!
Ma allora che significa signare in proprio le applicazioni?
La risposta è intuibile immaginando di voler produrre noi stessi del software: come faremmo a testare una nostra applicazione se, in fase di sviluppo, non ci fosse fornito un meccanismo per certificare il nostro codice?! Per questo motivo è possibile richiedere un certificato da sviluppatore che consenta di signare le proprie applicazioni e farle funzionare sul proprio dispositivo. Già, sul proprio dispositivo! Why a speech is to possess a certificate from the developer for testing, another is to certify an application for distribution or to sell to more people (in which case it would need a ACS Publisher ID). For this reason, the certificates can be requested by developers who are tied directly to your IMEI code device. The fact is that once possessed such a certificate, then no one can forbid us to use it for signare at our peril, unsigned applications found on the Internet!
So here we are come to a tentative conclusion: For an application signare unsigned we need a certificate from the developer and we have to provide our IMEI. To retrieve the ' I nternational M obile E quipment I dentity from your phone by typing * # 06 # . The code 15 figures appearing on the screen uniquely identifies your device and is pinned to the extent necessary, as mentioned above, to request a certificate.
At this point need a way to generate this certificate or how blessed not someone who gives it!
The correct procedure would be to connect to the site , register, download the tool DevCertRequest , create a Developer Certificate Request (. csr) and upload it to our last request Developer Certificate: After a few seconds, the certificate would be made available and ready for download!
But as laziness lies and no one really need a certificate if not for signare the only application that allows the 'hack to turn to their phones, here are some sites that take charge of the request (and your IMEI though!) provide in time "reasonable" a certificate can be used for this purpose:
    as was the extension of the domain suggests, this is a Chinese site! In fact, after the initial distrust, request a certificate on this site is relatively simple: do not require registration, but just enter your IMEI in the text box at the top, insert the control code and press send ! After 24 hours of (but may also serve more time), simply enter your IMEI and, if the certificate is ready, at the top right will be a link to download.
    This site is also possible to download a software that can be used to certify applications SignTools 2.2 .
    another Chinese site! I highly recommend this for an interpreter because it requires the recording! At any rate in some forums that deal with the topic (see links at the end of post), you will find pictures with detailed explanations on each step.
    English, for goodness sake! and once registered you will be notified of the request by mail, within 24 hours maximum (but also first), the availability of the certificate. I wonder why many use this!
  • requests in the forum
    almost all the forums dealing with the subject can, once registered, you can request a certificate. Some in fact do nothing but turn to sites in Chinese automatically requests: at any rate better than having to interpret characters!
should be noted that the public certificate (. ERC) for a period of 3 years and that when you download from the sites mentioned will be accompanied by a private key (. key). Both files are needed per certificare le applicazioni utilizzando, a vostra scelta, uno di questi tools:
  • SignSIS & MakeSIS
    inclusi nel Symbian SDK , ma reperibili in rete, sono gli univi veri tools (eseguibili da linea di comando) in grado di signare un .sis : tutti gli altri che troverete in giro aggiungono semplicemente un'interfaccia grafica che li richiama indirettamente.
  • SisSigner
    disponibile a questo indirizzo , dopo esservi registrati e loggati nel forum di iPmart : dispone di una semplice interfaccia grafica per il caricamento del .cer , del .key e del .sis
  • SignSIS-GUI
    disponibile a questo indirizzo , dopo esservi registrati e loggati nel forum di iPmart
  • BiNPDA SignSiS
    disponibile a questo indirizzo , dopo esservi registrati e loggati nel forum di iPmart
  • SignTools
    funziona anche lì dove altri a volte falliscono! unico inconveniente: quando si avvia la prima volta è scritto in cinese! Fortunatamente, però, in alto a the right is easily recognized by a button on which is written "Inglese": just press and everything magically appear more understandable!
  • FreeSigner
    works directly on the phone and allows you to specify multiple . Sis from Signa.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Make Vegetarian Cat Treats

How to enable remote connections in MS SQL Server 2005 and

Meanwhile personally that follows these steps, having to configure a machine with SQL Server 2005 , you carry the proper procedure to configure that DBMS in the shortest time possible and without any annoying hitch.
In particular, the following steps to configure SQL Server to do this work in an environment with mixed operating systems with access to private network or from any public network. This premise requires the activation of ' SQL Authentication mode which allows, among other things, to enable the user knows otherwise disabled following the installation classica: in fase di installazione, infatti, se si sceglie l'opzione Windows Authentication mode , proposta di default, l'account sa verrà creato ma al tempo stesso disabilitato; se si scegli invece l'opzione Mixed Mode Authentication sarà possibile accedere al DBMS sia mediante l'autenticazione di Windows (comunque più sicura) sia mediante l'autenticazione SQL (necessaria in alcuni contesti, come quello esposto).
Se SQL Server è già installato, per cambiare modalità di autenticazione, procedete in questo modo:
  • avviate Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  • in ' Object Explorer right-click on the server and apritene
  • properties select the page Security and, under Server authentication, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode and click OK
  • warning message that requires a restart of the server, click OK again on
  • then reboot the server on the server by right-clicking and selecting Restart
To enable the sa account , instead:
  • start SQL Server Management Studio
  • in 'Object Explorer Expand the Security Logins and then right-click on
  • know apritene and properties
  • General the page, change the password with a very robust (the account know is particularly targeted by the attacks)
  • selected now Status page, click on Enabled and then click OK
At this point the 'SQL Authentication mode and login know have been enabled. Now you need to enable remote connections, is disabled by default in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition both SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition :
  • initiated SQL Server Surface Area Configuration , accessible from the Start menu under the voice Configuration Tools of Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • click Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections
  • Expand the Database Engine and click
  • Remote Connections and click on Local and remote connections , more appropriate to specify the protocol (TCP / IP in most cases) and click OK
  • the message telling you that to make the changes necessary to reboot the server click again OK on
  • always under Database Engine Now click on Service first and then the Stop button and then, once the service has stopped, Start button to restart it
A this point the remote connections are enabled . If you wish to connect to the DBMS using the name of an instance (ad es. computer_name\SQLEXPRESS ) piuttosto che una porta specifica occorre abilitare anche il servizio SQL Server Browser . Per fare questo:
  • avviate SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
  • cliccate su Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections
  • cliccate quindi su SQL Server Bowser , selezionate con tipo di avvio Automatic e cliccate su Apply
  • cliccate infine sul pulsante Start per avviare il servizio
A questo punto il servizio SQL Server Browser è attivo. Ora bisogna configurare il proprio firewall to enable remote access to services that have been activated. If your firewall is used is that built into Windows, proceed as follows:
  • start Windows Firewall (a quick way is to click on Start, then Run , type and click firewall.cpl OK on )
  • select the Exceptions tab and then click Add Program
  • click Browse and browse to the executable C: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft SQL Server \\ MSSQL.1 \\ MSSQL \\ Binn \\ sqlservr.exe (il percorso corretto, nel punto ... \ MSSQL.1 \..., dipende dall'ID dell'istanza di SQL Server avviata)
  • cliccate su Apri e quindi su OK
In caso lo abbiate attivato, effettuate lo stesso procedimento per il servizio SQL Server Browser andando a selezionare, questa volta, l'eseguibile C:\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\ sqlbrowser.exe

A questo punto.. dovrebbe essere tutto funzionante! ;)

PS per effettuare delle semplici prove senza incasinare il proprio sistema operativo, consiglio vivamente l'utilizzo di una macchina virtuale: in particolare ne esiste una già preconfigurata con Windows Server 2008 Enterprise ed SQL Server 2005 a questo indirizzo . Si tratta di una VHD che può essere caricata su Microsoft Virtual PC o su Microsoft Virtual Server .
Una volta avviata è consigliabile effettuare tutti gli aggiornamenti che vengono proposti e in particolare installare il Service Pack 2 per Windows Server 2008 e il Service Pack 3 per SQL Server 2005.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Arabic Written

Size units that are supported by Google Android

In Android dimensions can be measured in:
  • px
    pixels, equivalent to the effective pixels of the screen.
  • in
    inches , based on the physical size of the screen, measured in inches.
  • mm
    millimeters, based on the physical size of the screen, measured in "mm".
  • pt
    points, based on the physical size of the screen, measured in "punti" di 1/72 di pollice l'uno.
  • dp o dip
    d ensity- i ndependent p ixels , rappresenta 1 pixel su uno schermo di 160 dpi ( d ots p er i nch ). Il rapporto dp-to-pixel cambierà quindi in base alla densità dello schermo.
  • sp o sip
    s cale- i ndependent p ixels , simile all'unità Dp , but also scaled according to your preferences, you specify, the size of fonts.
A special note should be made for dip in the unit not exactly conventional but that is useful and even essential in many contexts. To justify its use just imagine two Android devices that have two screens on the same physical size but different resolutions. With the same physical dimensions, if the first screen has a resolution of 320x480 and the second one 640x480, it will also have a pixel density greater than the first, dpi or greater. If, on the two devices, using the pixel to represent any object, a button of width 100px for example, this would appear greatest in the first screen (320x480) and smaller in the second (640x480) . Using dip, however, the object, a width of button 100dp example, would appear equal in size in both devices. In the creation of UI ( U ser I nterface s) is therefore desirable the use of measurement units independent from the device used, such as dip precisely.

NB Android emulator is displayed on a monitor that usually possess a pixel density of 72dpi different from that of the display of mobile devices in circulation, as the T-Mobile G1 which has a pixel density of 180dpi !

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lip And Gum Infections

- Tips & Tricks

Among the many features, more or less accessible, Google there are some that allow you to search more targeted and refined through the use of certain special constructs. Many of these special prefixes are to be placed before each keyword. Here are the most important, indicating between [square brackets ] and in italics some examples of query:
  • +
    force Google to search for the exact keyword that you specify and not to use a its synonyms (usually, in fact, Google considers keyword inserite e loro eventuali sinonimi per effettuare la ricerca). In alternativa si possono utilizzare gli apici "" attorno alla parola.
    es. [ +animale più +veloce ] restituisce circa 110 mila risultati contro i circa 6 milioni di [ animale più veloce ]

  • -
    consente di escludere dai risultati le pagine che includono la parola chiave specificata.
    es. [ +animale più +veloce -video ] ecluderà tra i risultati le pagine che contengono video

  • ""
    consentono di specificare l'ordine exact words or an exact phrase to search for.
    es. [ "fastest animal" ] will return only pages in the results that contengolo the exact phrase "fastest animal"

  • * asterisk is a wildcard that allows Google to Replacing them with more appropriate words in context, allowing to ask questions or incomplete sentences.
    es. [ animal over the world *] will return the results between the animals more quickly , poisonous or strange and far more effective query [ animale più al mondo ] senza asterisco!

  • OR
    è un operatore che, come suggerisce il nome stesso, consente di indicare due parole chiave alternative per la ricerca.
    es. [ animale più veloce OR scattante al mondo ] restituirà tra i risultati gli animali più veloci o più scattanti e risulta più efficace dell'unione dei risultati delle due singole ricerche effettuate separatamente!

  • define:
    consente di ricercare la definizione o etimologia di un termine
    es. [ define:animale ] will return the results of several encyclopaedic definitions, such as those found on Wikipedia , and retrieved from other online dictionaries and glossaries, as Wiktionary

  • filetype:
    allows you to search file extension specified
    es. [ filetype: pdf ] will only return results contained in PDF documents

  • site:
    narrow your search to include only pages in the specified domain
    es. [ site: ] will return results only pages that belong to the domain , or in any of the blogs run by Google, including this one!

  • allinurl:
    narrow your search to include only pages that contain the words in the URL address of their
    es. [ allinurl: download ] will return results only pages that contain the word download, in this case, pages that have something to download, is supposed to!

For these and other features s official visit certain pages of Google at these locations: features.html .com / support / websearch / bin / hl = en & answer = 136861

Infine, se volete utilizzare Google con una veste grafica diversa dal solito: hacker/

in reference to: Google ( view on Google Sidewiki )

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eczema Vs. Lupus Rash

How to access the system clipboard in Java Streaming

Per accedere alla clipboard è sufficiente invocare il metodo getSystemClipboard() della classe java.awt.Toolkit che restituisce l'istanza singleton della Clipboad del sistema:
 Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); 
Per recuperarne il contenuto si dovrà poi richiamare il metodo getContents di java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard che restituisce un oggetto di tipo java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable .
Come argomento del metodo si può passare tranquillamente null in quanto si tratta di un argomento che attualmente non viene utilizzato.
 Transferable contents = clipboard.getContents(null); 
Una volta ottenuto questo riferimento basterà controllare che sia presente del contenuto testuale, tramite la chiamata contents.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor) , e quindi recuperarne il valore mediante il metodo getTransferData :
 if(contents != null && contents.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) 
  String str = (String) contents.getTransferData (DataFlavor.stringFlavor)
The method could, however, raise the following exceptions, which should be properly managed:

This long around to retrieve the contents of the clipboard is due to the fact that the clipboard content can reside other than plain text. In addition, different operating systems may handle different types of content, it is necessary to take all necessary precautions!

code soon to recover the text from the clipboard, however, could be the following:
 String str; 
try {
  str = (String)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null).getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)
}catch(Exception e){
  str = "";
Attenzione perché nel breve codice riportato non stiamo difatti gestendo adeguatamente le eccezioni ma semplicemente settando la nostra variabile String str con una stringa vuota se qualcosa va male (incluso l'eventuale NullPointerException se il content della Clipboard è null): tutto ciò non è proprio il massimo in termini di gestione delle eccezioni ma è certamente un codice faster and more powerful than any version with similar if and controls.

The advice is - as always - take a look at the Java API and in particular: # getSystemClipboard () # getContents (...) ... / api / java / awt / datatransfer / Transferable.html # getTransferData (..)

The argument is also closely related to drag and drop for which there is a tutorial of the Sun in this Address:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Diagram Of How Digital Cameras Work

without limits? No problem!

No more queues or eMule download giga nteschi torrent : the future is streaming, and the streaming is already there! The fashion now is
AnimeDB (with clones if it was): you register on the forum, search for your favorite movie or show, click on the link and you're ready to watch the movie I had chosen, without any problems. .. or almost! Indeed
of problems in recent times, if they are accumulating and "posting" while many solutions, most often, tend to remain hidden or little in evidence. Someone - No less - trying to make them less accessible (hiding the thread discussions on non-public) for fear that later come to be "discovered" and made it ineffective! 'O_O'
As if all those who work for MegaVideo , or the like, are so stupid that they do not know the solutions are moving to the network or are not able, willing, to create their own account and a peek into all those notorious thread "hidden"! Mah!
Anyway, back to the issue the subject of the post: "The Outer Limits" .
MegaVideo introduced by a little 'a time limit tied to the IP address of who is viewing the movie: 72 minutes is the maximum time beyond which an annoying message tells us of having to wait almost an hour before continuing with playback. Of course, if you are in your home (or rather, you have access to the router where you are connected) just change IP addresses (log off and log into your ADSL line, unless you have a static IP and have no FastWeb) and you're done! None other than there are programs to do it automatically or, alternatively, you can use proxy servers that mask your IP going around - unless of possible "connection problem s " on YouTube - the problem.
Finally, avoiding comment on providing solutions to diventare "magicamente" utenti premium , rimane una soluzione altresì interessante e vantaggiosa: quella di ottenere l'URL del file video originale! C'è chi segue questa strada per scaricarsi interamente il filmato, ma è utilissima anche per riprodurlo in streamining e, oltre al superamento del limite dei 72 minuti, c'è l'ulteriore vantaggio di poter visionare il filmato al massimo della risoluzione possibile (ben oltre quella ridotta di MegaVideo!).
Il trucco sta nel fatto che ogni filmato visionabile in MegaVideo è linkato a un suo corrispondente originale in MegaUpload . Per ottenere questo link bisogna essere utenti premium oppure affidarsi a generatori di link per MegaUpload, a partire da URL per MegaVideo. E' possibile rintracciarne più di uno, di questi generatori, scrivendo "MegaVideo to MegaUpload link generator" nel motore di ricerca. Alcuni di questi sono:
    - richiede una registrazione, ma la mail non deve necessariamente essere valida!
    - attenzione al popup che cercherà di aprirsi e che vi chiederà di salvare il file "alert.exe" : è un troyan, ma basta ignorarlo e non crea nessun problema...
  • - you may see a banner ad that prevents you from copying the MegaUpload link before they click on one of the sponsors if you do not want to please him, try to be quicker than him, or carbonless "eye" to the URL can be seen below!
Once you have the MegaUpload link, open in a new tab, enter control characters, click "download file" and the page that follows, please copy the address of the video files (. avi) retrieving it from the button "download standard" ( right button -> copy address ), active only after 45 seconds Required per noi poveri utenti non-premium!
A questo punto potete - oltre a scaricarvi eventualmente l'intero file (!) - visualizzarlo in streaming in due modi:
  1. mediante l'utilizzo di servizi come quello offerto da DivX all'indirizzo : basta inserire l'URL del file nella form, cliccare sul pulsante "generate" e successivamente su "preview" (è necessario comunque aver installato i codec DivX)
  2. aprendo l'URL con VLC Media Player o Real Player (o qualunque altro buon player che supporti lo streaming) e visualizzandolo, in tal modo, alla massima risoluzione possibile!
Adesso sì che non dormirete davvero per vedervi quelle 4/5 puntate a notte del vostro telefilm preferito!
Io torno a Prison Break, che ad Aprile riprende e sono ancora alla terza serie! :D