Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Arabic Written

Size units that are supported by Google Android

In Android dimensions can be measured in:
  • px
    pixels, equivalent to the effective pixels of the screen.
  • in
    inches , based on the physical size of the screen, measured in inches.
  • mm
    millimeters, based on the physical size of the screen, measured in "mm".
  • pt
    points, based on the physical size of the screen, measured in "punti" di 1/72 di pollice l'uno.
  • dp o dip
    d ensity- i ndependent p ixels , rappresenta 1 pixel su uno schermo di 160 dpi ( d ots p er i nch ). Il rapporto dp-to-pixel cambierà quindi in base alla densità dello schermo.
  • sp o sip
    s cale- i ndependent p ixels , simile all'unità Dp , but also scaled according to your preferences, you specify, the size of fonts.
A special note should be made for dip in the unit not exactly conventional but that is useful and even essential in many contexts. To justify its use just imagine two Android devices that have two screens on the same physical size but different resolutions. With the same physical dimensions, if the first screen has a resolution of 320x480 and the second one 640x480, it will also have a pixel density greater than the first, dpi or greater. If, on the two devices, using the pixel to represent any object, a button of width 100px for example, this would appear greatest in the first screen (320x480) and smaller in the second (640x480) . Using dip, however, the object, a width of button 100dp example, would appear equal in size in both devices. In the creation of UI ( U ser I nterface s) is therefore desirable the use of measurement units independent from the device used, such as dip precisely.

NB Android emulator is displayed on a monitor that usually possess a pixel density of 72dpi different from that of the display of mobile devices in circulation, as the T-Mobile G1 which has a pixel density of 180dpi !

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lip And Gum Infections

- Tips & Tricks

Among the many features, more or less accessible, Google there are some that allow you to search more targeted and refined through the use of certain special constructs. Many of these special prefixes are to be placed before each keyword. Here are the most important, indicating between [square brackets ] and in italics some examples of query:
  • +
    force Google to search for the exact keyword that you specify and not to use a its synonyms (usually, in fact, Google considers keyword inserite e loro eventuali sinonimi per effettuare la ricerca). In alternativa si possono utilizzare gli apici "" attorno alla parola.
    es. [ +animale più +veloce ] restituisce circa 110 mila risultati contro i circa 6 milioni di [ animale più veloce ]

  • -
    consente di escludere dai risultati le pagine che includono la parola chiave specificata.
    es. [ +animale più +veloce -video ] ecluderà tra i risultati le pagine che contengono video

  • ""
    consentono di specificare l'ordine exact words or an exact phrase to search for.
    es. [ "fastest animal" ] will return only pages in the results that contengolo the exact phrase "fastest animal"

  • * asterisk is a wildcard that allows Google to Replacing them with more appropriate words in context, allowing to ask questions or incomplete sentences.
    es. [ animal over the world *] will return the results between the animals more quickly , poisonous or strange and far more effective query [ animale più al mondo ] senza asterisco!

  • OR
    è un operatore che, come suggerisce il nome stesso, consente di indicare due parole chiave alternative per la ricerca.
    es. [ animale più veloce OR scattante al mondo ] restituirà tra i risultati gli animali più veloci o più scattanti e risulta più efficace dell'unione dei risultati delle due singole ricerche effettuate separatamente!

  • define:
    consente di ricercare la definizione o etimologia di un termine
    es. [ define:animale ] will return the results of several encyclopaedic definitions, such as those found on Wikipedia , and retrieved from other online dictionaries and glossaries, as Wiktionary

  • filetype:
    allows you to search file extension specified
    es. [ filetype: pdf ] will only return results contained in PDF documents

  • site:
    narrow your search to include only pages in the specified domain
    es. [ site: ] will return results only pages that belong to the domain , or in any of the blogs run by Google, including this one!

  • allinurl:
    narrow your search to include only pages that contain the words in the URL address of their
    es. [ allinurl: download ] will return results only pages that contain the word download, in this case, pages that have something to download, is supposed to!

For these and other features s official visit certain pages of Google at these locations: features.html .com / support / websearch / bin / hl = en & answer = 136861

Infine, se volete utilizzare Google con una veste grafica diversa dal solito: hacker/

in reference to: Google ( view on Google Sidewiki )