Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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How to install and configure Subversion on Mac OS X 10.6

Quella che segue è la procedura da seguire per l'installazione e la configurazione di Apache Subversion  su Mac OS X and the achievement of its own SVN repository be shared on the network. On the Internet there are countless guides covering the subject, but from what I have seen, not recent enough, and very often delay commands and references to outdated or non-existent! The

first step is obviously to install, if not already in the system, the latest available version of Apache Subversion, download the package from the website (and therefore no longer be  come si trova ancora scritto nella stessa documentazione ufficiale!).

Il secondo passo è quello di decidere preventivamente dove vorrete creare i vostri repositories. Per una questione di sicurezza e di mera organizzazione, i cui vantaggi saranno chiariti in seguito, consiglio vivamente di creare un nuovo gruppo e un nuovo utente, denominandoli entrambi svn o come preferite. Per fare questo:
  1. aprite le  Preferenze di sistema e quindi  Account
  2. abilitate le modifiche, cliccando sul lucchetto in basso a sinistra ed inserendo la vostra password
  3. click on the button +, bottom left, just above the lock
  4. create the user account svn , leave on New Account voice Standard and typing Subversion in full name and svn in the Account Name, then enter a password appropriate, possibly the same as your account, and click the Create Account pulsed
  5. click again button +
  6. created the gruppo svn , selezionando su Nuovo account  la voce Gruppo , inserendo svn in Nome completo  e cliccando sul pulsante Crea gruppo
  7. nell'area Appartenenza , tra le impostazioni del gruppo svn , spuntate l'account Subversion   precedentemente creato
A questo punto effettuate il logout ed accedete col nuovo account Subversion . Aprite Finder  e create sotto /Utenti/svn una new folder named Repositories that, as the name suggests, will create the directory in which all your SVN repositories. Alternatively, you can type the command from terminal:
mkdir / Users / svn / Repositories

For a safety issue should now change the permissions on the folder, allowing write access to the group svn and denying access to others. To do this, select the folder
  1. Repositories
  2. press cmd + I to view About the
  3. authorized the changes, click on the padlock in the bottom right corner and enter the password below to move
  4. Sharing & Permissions , expand the view if necessary click on
  5. button +
  6. select the group svn and click Select
  7. column Privilege of Sharing & Permissions and then assign :
    - Reading and writing , ; well as the user, also to the group svn
    - Read Only
    to staff
    - No access to everyone
  8. click the gear, bottom left, select Apply to enclosed items .. . and confirm by clicking OK the dialog that opens: this step (only that) you have to repeat it every time you add a new repository in order to assign to new subfolders Repositories , they will automatically be created, the permissions that we have defined hours, or alternatively you can assign it via the command line
The third step is to create the repository, to associate with one or more projects. In this connection, remember that there are two possible approaches: there are those who create a single repository for all projects and those - like myself - it makes one for each project. While achieving a just saves time for peacekeeping operations (such as backup), on the other, make one for each project or group of projects to define different permissions that would otherwise be the same for all projects. Also, Subversion uses repository-global revision numbers or version numbers, which depend from the entire repository and not from individual projects: if, for example, in a repository maintained were two separate projects A and B, for any change to that file, or the other project, the version number would be increased equally for all.
As regards, however, the project structure, there is an agreement - now used by everyone - that is to create three subdirectories under the root of the project:
- trunk, which include all files of the project you are working on, usually the current version of the entire project
- branch, where you can specify any alternative branches of the main project, where there were
- tags, to save "dead branches", ie no longer fueled by further changes and that could include, for example, different versions of the draft
To clarify the above, suppose we want to create a repository for a project named prj, and wanting to make the first import that contains the basic structure trunk / branch / tags .
To do this, open the terminal and type:
svnadmin create / Users / svn / Repositories / prj

In This will create the directory under prj / Users / svn / Repositories , with the database and all necessary files to Subversion to manage the repository. Now we need to assign permissions to the folder you just created, as explained above (just apply even just the number 8 in order to propagate, subfolders, the permissions for the directory specified already Repositories ).
then realize the project structure to a temporary folder, which then we can also delete:
mkdir / tmp / prj
mkdir / tmp / prj / trunk
mkdir / tmp / prj / branches
mkdir / tmp / prj / tags

After trunk possible inclusion in the files of the first version of the project, then import all in the repository with the following command:
svn import / tmp / prj file: / / / Users / svn / Repositories / prj-m "Initial import"

The project will be imported at this point in repository, assigning each file a version number equal to 0 and commentary "Initial import", as specified.

The fourth step is to make the repository accessible from the local network and / or the Internet, so that they can be used by staff - clients - authorized.
Depending on how you will use to access the repository, you can configure Subversion server-side, in two ways:
  • using the mod_dav_svn module of Apache, which allows clients to access repositories via WebDAV protocol / DeltaV , extension HTTP protocol, using this mode you can use the basic auth HTTP (S) , encrypting, possibly with SSL
  • using the standalone server program svnserve, a service listening on port 3690 , which allows clients to access repositories via a specific protocol to Subversion using this mode you can use SSH authentication , encrypting, possibly with an SSH tunnel
Suppose you want to use the second method, relatively easier to configure than the first, would be sufficient to start the server as a daemon, invoke from the command line:

However, having specified folder Repositories permission in writing for one group and user svn, you should start the server from the terminal accessing the account svn . Considering that you'll want to run the server expected to every system startup, it is advisable for the following job launchd , be included in the folder / Library / LaunchDaemons within a file that will call org.apache.subversion.svnserve.plist :







/ usr / bin / svnserve

svnserve - inetd
- root
/ Users / svn / Repositories

SVN Version Control System







NB replace \u0026lt;true> \u0026lt;/ true> with \u0026lt;true/> \u0026lt;false> and \u0026lt;/ false> with \u0026lt;false/>

The job specification as defined run the command / usr / bin / svnserve as a user svn group svn: this way the service will be able, as I said, read and write access to all content repositories in the root / Users / svn / Repositories , specified by - root ; In this way you will be so make sure the service can access only to folders authorized, or those accessible from your svn, and not to others.
The listening port will be the standard SVN service, or the TCP / UDP 3960, as indicated in / etc / services .
Wanting to test the service immediately, without rebooting, you can start the job with the following command:
launchctl load / Libray / LaunchDaemons / org.apache.subversion.svnserve.plist
launchctl start org.apache . subversion.svnserve

At this point the clients will be able to checkout the project using the following command:
svn checkout svn: / / / prj

The fifth step is to Finally, the configuration of the authorization required to access the repository by clients. Policies for authentication and authorization has been crafted file svnserve.conf , present in the conf directory repository. Under
[general] file you can enable and configure two basic properties:
- anon-access, or what is allowed an unauthenticated user (anonymous )
- auth-access, or What is allowed an authenticated user
For both keys, one of values \u200b\u200b- self-explanatory - they are ninth , read and write .
If you do not wish to grant access to anonymous and no permission to read and write to those authenticated, it will be sufficient to enhance the two attributes as follows:
anon-access = none auth-access
= write

Two other important parameters, also defined in Section [general] are;
- password-db , through which you can specify the password database
- realm, through which you can specify the ' repository authentication realm: If two repositories have the same realm , should have the same password database, and vice versa

The database is the default password file passwd present in the same directory svnserve.conf . directly editing this file, you can define the pairs username / password to use during client authentication for access to repositoty.
This system is a viable alternative to authentication via SSH, which should, however, define the real users in the system.

The procedure was tested on a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.6.4 using Subversion 1.6.5.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Some 'time ago I bought MacJournal and I realized now not to have never tested.
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