Monday, January 31, 2011

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Something New Players Allegri moves

BELLAVISTA BUILDING - One hour and a half after the end of the domestic market (but having still open until Saturday morning that the inner Football League), Adriano Galliani out dall'Atahotel Executive in Milan, home of the transfer market, has suggested to journalists which is on the way out top players and a number of news agencies sports WOULD BE assuming one midfielder Andrea Pirlo and striker Alessandro Matri. Asked if the Monteponi would be to sell one of the flagships, the vice president said:

"Chances are that a major player come out to make room for an equally important, because logic dictates that if one part is strong, get an equally strong no one else does not go away. Ancelotti's got to do a farewell? No I do not think, but Allegri agree and see what happens in the next few hours, when there is nothing official. "

Press Monteponi Football

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seventh coach Monteponi

BUILDING BELLAVISTA - Statistically, Massimiliano Allegri is the seventh coach in the history of Monteponi.

It all began in 1998 with the emerging Alberto Zaccheroni the first year that brought the then AC Monteponi to win the only title the bulletin board. The following year he was replaced by Fabio Capello, despite the many absences, he succeeded in placing at the end of the year in second place with a very altered training. After several years in which the Monteponi was not enrolled in any League Soccer, the return in grand style in 2006 with Carlo Ancelotti is driving technique, but the epilogue of the season (5th place finish) is not enthusiastic about the president that I used, note the various defections that afflicted the Football League, losing quell'affezione that addressed his team, decided to run for president of the League not to include the Monteponi the new championship was in that year that the League took the first steps in terms of regulations and procedures. Once, however, experience as president, Usai Monteponi brought to the fore in 2008, enrolling in the new league and calling as a coach Franco Baresi. The new coach, however, was forced to quit after a few days for family reasons and returned to replace Carlo Ancelotti, even for a short time, due to a series of opaque and unsatisfactory results in mid-season forced the president to exempt Usai, delivering the group to Marcello Lippi, former coach of world champion in 2006, which lifted the reins of the team, leading to a final position slightly higher than mid-table.

In 2009, the court reaches the Monteponi Joseph "Pepe" Guardiola good starting his adventure for one day being able to occupy also the first place. In January, however, the Spaniard decides to leave the band for personal reasons, sparking the ire of the President, and in its place, greeted with such affection is anticipated the return of Ancelotti, with whom he had already reached an agreement for the current season. What has happened is that he finally devoted his great talent for Ancelotti. The output current of the latter, leaving no peace to a society that in the last four seasons has always played at least once a year return on the bench and the arrival of Allegri can now be read as the beginning of a new beginning of cooperation that All hope, will bear fruit this season.

Press Monteponi Football

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official Press Conference: Usai, Galliani and Allegri

BELLAVISTA BLOCK - It ended the brief news conference after the victory of the day which was attended by the President Usai, the new vice-president Galliani and coach Allegri. This is why the themes and statements in front of cameras, starting of course with the President:

"Finally, in addition to the many good performances, we hit the victory of the day that we were missing 17 consecutive rounds in which many times have we touched, but never reached. The most important thing, however, is that he never lost his concentration and have remained always in the first carriage of the league. We remain fourth, but with a few points away from those before us and there are still 16 games to be played and then the games are open to everyone, including us. Baresi spring does not change our plans or those of our new coach who has willingly accepted the arrival of Tassotti. Market? Given the fact that this week we will play two matches, so a doubling of the possibility of injuries and suspensions, we preserve the intention to enter the market to give the final adjustment to the team. Mister Allegri I have already recommended something with Galliani and see if there will be opportunities to satisfy him, but the team is already so competitive and so it proved, not least, yesterday. "

Continue coach Allegri:

" The bench yesterday alongside Baresi helped me to learn about the character and strengths of this team. Now I have to work hard on those weaknesses, to try to hide as much as possible as early as the next game. The training session this morning, that was my first official allowed me to learn more about the group and the presence di Maldini è stata importante per compattare tutto il gruppo attorno a me. I giocatori mi hanno dato disponibilità assoluta e questo vuol dire molto per un allenatore che subentra a stagione in corso. Modulo? Non stravolgerò nulla, non sono mica pazzo. Questo gruppo sa che rende al meglio con tre punte e le uniche modifiche, se le farò, arriveranno tra difesa e centrocampo, ma riguarderanno più che altro l'assetto tattico."

Conclude il vice presidente Galliani:

"Come ha già detto il presidente era importante vincere per riprenderci un po' di punti importanti e non calare la concentrazione in questi giorni di forti cambiamenti. Per il mercato stiamo lavorando aldilà che si faccia qualcosa o si resti così. We have two million that we can use if someone goes to get someone else, but not our practice to close the budget in deficit because we do not like to borrow from our opponents. Emanuelson? I think it was a good buy. It 's a young boy and flexible because it can play the role of the winger, who prefers to be left back then if it continues to provide important benefits will be played always a starting spot. Who else can get? Exclude new strikers, while other departments do not confirm or deny. Goals? Than ever, now not even remember them there (smiles, laughs, general ed).

Press Monteponi Football

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BUILDING BELLAVISTA - With immediate effect, after a consultation took place in the usual morning meeting on Monday, the company decided to change some corporate organization chart, intervening in the replacement of some roles that had been abdicated by the parties concerned in recent days. Franco Baresi, the official assistant coach until recently, has agreed to join hands with the technical operation of the spring. In its place was named Mauro Tassotti, an old acquaintance of Monteponi, who signed a contract expiring in June 2012. Valerio Fiori also will be the second goalkeeper trainer and will join up at the end of stagione Sebastiano Rossi.

A breve avrà luogo la conferenza stampa del presidente Usai e del vice presidente Galliani sulla vittoria di giornata riportata dopo 17 turni in cui è mancata, spesso e volentieri per una manciata di punti.

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second victory of the day. Major achievement. Official Training Day 22nd

PALAZZINA BELLAVISTA - La società esprime la propria felicità per aver ottenuto a distanza di tempo la vittoria nella giornata numero 22. I complimenti vanno ai giocatori scesi in campo, al nuovo tecnico Massimiliano Allegri e al suo vice Franco Baresi che ha guidato la squadra dalla panchina. Probabilmente, con orario ancora da decidersi, verrà convocata una breve conferenza stampa in presenza Vice President and President Galliani Usai. Updates will follow.
Press Monteponi Football

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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STAGE - is chosen by the Technical Training F. Baresi (for Massimiliano Allegri who will attend the next game) for the 22nd day of the season 2010-11: 3-4-3


AQUILANI, Emanuelson, Gargano, Lazzari,
Ibrahimovic (Captain), Borriello, Matra.

Jeda, Budan.

Coach: F. Baresi.
Injured: ABATE, Lucchini, Pirlo.
Suspended: Chivu.
unavailable for technical choice: MARCHETTI, MEMUSHAI.

Press Monteponi Football

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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How to recursively delete a folder on Mac OS X

On Mac OS X, as well as on Linux, to delete all subfolders recursively with a particular name, simply run the following terminal command:
find. -Type d-name nomecartelladaeliminare -exec rm-rf {} \\;
The - type d sure that will be considered only directories, then you can include it by not erasing the files from the specified name.

Warning: before running the command, remember to locate the folder from which you want to delete the subdirectories!
To be sure which folders will be deleted consiglio di eseguire prima:
find . -type d -name  nomecartelladaeliminare

Il comando risulta particolarmente utile se si volessero, ad esempio, eliminare tutte le cartelle .svn generate dal sistema di subversioning. In tal caso sarebbe sufficiente eseguire il comando:
find . -type d -name  .svn  -exec rm -rf {} \;

Friday, January 14, 2011

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non ho la Lomo, ma ho aperture

Today I saw a lot of interesting photos made by ' Lomo effect and I was about to go buy the new shop that opened in downtown Milan.
Then I thought that there are many applications for the iPhone, but I remembered not to get the iPhone. Discouraged
I open Photoshop, but it was a process too long and I gave up almost immediately.

With Aperture I was able to find a good compromise by playing on the adjustment:

Disclaimer: I left a tutorial on flickr, but I can not find the page, then just steal the idea.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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il miracolo della rivoluzione

Io credo nei miracoli che la gente puo’ fare
milioni di chilometri per potersi incontrare
per guardarsi negli occhi
per spiegare un errore
per un gesto che forse sarà l’unico che potremo ricordare

io credo nei miracoli che la mente può fare
milioni di chilometri senza doversi spostare
per creare una storia che prima non c’era
ed una nuova invenzione quella che salverà l’umanità intera

forse non sai che la primavera arriverà a prenderti domani sera
metti un vestito per l’occasione
preparati, c’è la rivoluzione

Tu credi nei miracoli that music alone can 'make
and singing the songs that you have done
dream and give you the strength to fight again for each new battle

there is a note that you sing in your throat

I believe in miracles people can do

Cristina Donà - Miracles - 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

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vai via e poi torni ed è tutto uguale

to love someone.
Travel in silence.
stay calm.

Who needs good intentions?