Friday, October 20, 2006

Souper Salad Recipes Red Beans And Sausage Soup

L'obesità da un punto di vista......"DIVERSO"

Hippocrates recognized the clinical importance of obesity and gave some advice to his treatment as "the fat people who want to lose weight to do exercises on an empty stomach and arrive exhausted at the table to eat only one meal ... per day, not bathing, sleeping on hard and go around wearing as little as possible. "
Already at that time apparently there was no doubt that obesity should be treated because it reduces the life span.
Unfortunately, studies show that obese individuals is very rare occurrence of patients who undergo weight-loss therapy and, after reaching un più o meno soddisfacente decremento del peso, lo abbiano successivamente mantenuto.
Il caso più frequente è quello di soggetti che si sono sottoposti a molteplici tentativi di dimagrimento, inesorabilmente seguiti da recupero ponderale. Assai spesso il nuovo peso risulta anche maggiore rispetto a quello precedente la dieta ipocalorica.
Si tratta della Weight Cycling Sindrome.
E’ ormai dimostrato che i molteplici cicli di restrizione calorica e di rialimentazione (con decremento e ripresa ponderale) siano in grado di indurre significativi effetti sull’efficienza energetica dell’organismo con conseguenze importanti sull’andamento del peso da una parte e sulla distribuzione del grasso dall’altra.
When weight loss is rapid weight loss is attributed largely to the water component and lean body mass and only later, in adipose tissue. Losing muscle mass means the ability to drastically reduce energy expenditure by that body, the body has reduced its need for calories!
Also, when you make a calorie restriction is configured a state of nutritional deprivation and physiological (hunger signals) and psychological (signs of restriction). The case must be put in place rational countermeasures to resist calls to various instinctive
... But then, mean that diet does not make sense to strate ????! I firmly believe
that there is a sense and is also very important, but exists only if the therapist can establish a serious complication with the patient. In addition, attention should be given to us players as relapse prevention and on the temporary loss of weight!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

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Persistenza e Determinazione

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence
no talent
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, not genius

The unrecognized genius is almost a proverb
no education
The world is full of educated derelicts
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Calvin Coolidge, 1932

Russianbare Guestbook

Natale: tempo di frutta secca e cioccolato

Christmas is near and with it comes the time of the great feasts and dinner tables.
Many traditional products (nougat, panettone ...) and many foods rather unusual that we are able to eat.
Of all the nuts and oilseeds that live on their Christmas dinner tables moment of glory. We speak mainly of peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, dates and so on. For quality nutritional value, these foods should, however, reviewed and eaten most often (do not forget who were the first human food!)
Of course, caution is the watchword given the number of calories and fat they contain. A real threat to the balance! It should also give up eating those suffering from kidney disease, gastritis and ulcers. But you can not silence the many valuable vitamins and minerals that these foods contain a kind of dietary supplements each day.
sulted for breakfast and as a snack, dried fruit should be avoided, however, after a meal as weights digestion and provides a considerable surplus of calories.
pistachios, for example, are rich in phosphorus and iron, improve mood, but provide a lot of fat and about 600 calorie/100g.
Peanuts appear to be stimulating and energy due to the presence of starch, but must be avoided in case of constipation, the calorie/100g 600.
nuts (2 per day) due to the presence of unsaturated fats, are a great help in controlling cholesterol and the presence of zinc enhance the immune system. The calories are about 690/100g.
Almonds are a concentration of minerals (important in calcium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium) and provide approximately 600calorie/100g. They provide the attention a curious paradox in themselves di laboriosa digestione, ma favoriscono la digestione degli amidi di cui sono praticamente sprovviste; come certi generosi altruisti, insomma, aiutano tutti tranne se stessi…
Le nocciole sono fonte importante di vitamina E (la sostanza anti-età per eccellenza) e sali minerali. 600 le calorie/100g.
I datteri sono un concentrato di energia, una miniera di zuccheri e di vitamina A (alleata di una pelle perfetta). 300 le calorie/100g.
L’uva passa che adorna i nostri panettoni tra tutte è la fonte migliore di zuccheri semplici e prontamente assimilabili oltre ad avere una buona percentuale di potassio (prezioso alleato dei muscoli).
Dulcis in fundo (in the true sense of the word!) present in many chocolate cakes and nougat. Gift of the gods (as they considered the ancient Maya) chocolate is one of the foods consumed and appreciated in the world, but how many people know what is in a chocolate bar? Most of the product consists of carbohydrate and fat (especially saturated). The fatty acid stearic acid is mainly present, unfortunately, known for action in blood clotting, but for the sweet tooth will be welcome news to know that cocoa, being a product of plant origin, is completely free of cholesterol!
nutritional values \u200b\u200bdepend on the percentage of cocoa in mind, however not deviate from 550 kcal/100g; fat ranging from 30 to 40%, carbohydrates 35 to 50%.

Cystic Fibrosis And Muscle Spasms

La birra "il pane liquido"

October, month dell'October fest and, therefore, at least in Germany, the month dedicated to beer.
national drink in all of Northern Europe, is gradually gaining favors on the tables and also in pubs throughout Italy. Healthy product, now popular all over the world for taste and variety products (from traditional lagers to stout) is well defined in the Diet "liquid bread."
beer, beverage fermented from barley malt flavored with hops, should be rightly defined as drink-food due to the presence in the finished product of protein and carbohydrates.
But beer is good? At the present state of research it is safe to say that beer is a healthy and nutritious food and drink, as long as taken in moderate amounts is not harmful but beneficial to our body. Given the nutritional values \u200b\u200band the percentage of alcohol, it can be said that beer is nutritious but low in calories (it contains, in fact, less than other alcoholic beverages, including wine). 100g of beer contains just 34 calories (the same as provided by a common orange juice), in the light go down to 28 calories, as in beer "robust" to get to a maximum of 60.
how many beers can you drink? As healthy and not too many calories, do not forget that it is still an alcoholic beverage and, therefore, it is important not to exceed consumption. Translated that basically means a day we can drink up to a maximum of 2 or 3 glasses cl 0.25 each (approximately 20-30g of alcohol, thus remaining below the average allowance of 40g for men and 30 for the woman).
If considered as part of a healthy and balanced, is a good source of potassium (35mg/100g), magnesium, vitamins and minerals. Basso, however, the content sodium (10mg/100g).
E 'is also a source of soluble fiber (derived from cell walls of malted barley), in addition to helping the intestinal functions, it slows down digestion and consequently the absorption of food.
A moderate consumption of beer also has positive effects on certain diseases. Some articles published in American Journal of Epidemiology indicate low in calcium and magnesium in the presence of significant own beer preventive factors against the risk of gallstones and kidney, that moderate consumption of 0.33 cl / day, may reduce 40%.
Beer also works against free radicals, which are recognized as a cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, and aging of the skin.
With its low alcohol content, it also acts on the increase "good" cholesterol by more than a 4% decrease of HDL against "bad" (LDL). A daily dose of 24.7% of beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (such as from studies in the Netherlands Institute of Nutrition and Food Research).
Latest researches have demonstrated its effectiveness even against women in menopause as the golden beverage produces increased levels of estrogen. Hops also contains active ingredients that prevent the release of calcium from the bones, thus decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Where To Buy Space Heater Manhattan


Dr. Federica
Dietotherapy-Rockets Specialist in Clinical Nutrition-Obesity Metabolic Diseases
