Saturday, March 10, 2007

Can You Join The Military With Narcolepsy


Founded in 1879, the first product of synthetic high-potency sweetener: saccharine.
Since then a number of synthetic compounds make their way in the manufacture of low-calorie products.
Contrariamente agli zuccheri naturali, questi composti dall’intenso gusto dolce hanno un valore nutrizionale trascurabile; il loro potere dolcificante varia da 30 a 500 volte quello del saccarosio, mentre il loro potere calorico è quasi nullo.
Esistono in commercio due categorie di sostituti dello zucchero: gli edulcoranti intensivi ed i polioli.
Per edulcoranti intensivi si intendono le sostanze a più alto potere dolcificante. In Italia, tra i più utilizzati troviamo: l’acesulfame K (E950), l’aspartame (E951), il ciclammato (E952) e la saccarina (E 954). Questi sono presenti sia nei cosiddetti “edulcoranti da tavola”(compresse, bustine, polvere o gocce) che nella maggior parte dei prodotti “light” o “diet”(gomme da masticare, caramelle, bevande analcoliche, yogurt, marmellate, ecc).
Ma ...un po’ di amaro in bocca lo lasciano comunque… Come per la maggior parte degli additivi alimentari (perché di questo si tratta), l’abuso può provocare danni all’organismo. In anni recenti sono sorti accesi dibattiti per via dei presunti effetti collaterali e danni che provocherebbero alla salute..
L’aspartame, fra tutti il più controverso; viene “costruito” in laboratorio con 3 diverse molecole (acido aspartico, fenilalanina, alcol metilico) che, per motivi ignoti, legate assieme hanno un sweet taste. The charges relate clearly as methyl alcohol, even if, considering the acceptable daily intake (ADI: A quantity that can be taken daily without risk to health) is very difficult to potential toxicity. Faithful is the toxicity of phenylalanine for people with phenylketonuria (a rare metabolic disease). Suspected Carcinogen
were then advanced to saccharin and cyclamate, but only in relation to massive doses, actually "impossible" to reach for the man.
In fact, in adults the risk of exceeding the ADI exists only if one considers the possibility of using improperly quantitatively different artificially sweetened foods (candy tires + + + bags + calorie beverages drugs).
polyols, however, sweetening agents are called "replacement" in Italy among the most used are: sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, isomalt and xylitol. They have a sweetness medium, but a significant energy content: about 2.4 kcal / g versus 4 kcal / g sugar. Only "effect" side in case of excess laxative is to ... (watch the children so delicious candy ..!).
Finally, the true and only indication of ban I would be able to report for children under 3 years and for women in pregnant / lactating women.

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The "Method Doce" does not promise to seven pounds in seven days.
does not pretend to change the shape of the body.
not measure the results in centimeters less.
does not guarantee weight loss, eating what you want.
does not offer short, magical solutions to the problems of overweight.

So, I was presented the new weight loss program Doce some time ago. At that point, so I knew what did not ... but I wanted to understand how they could be useful to people with weight problems. So I started studying it, trying to figure out how you could use a new method, the original context the more traditional scientific dietetics.
After the first experiences with "patients-doce" so I started to draw first conclusions.
Firstly it must be said that a new method, the original ... and why not, fun!
The traditional relationship between two people (expert-patient) widens and becomes a threesome (calorimeter-specialist-patient). Always ensured the constant supervision and continuous support of the specialist (who always during the program will follow the proper weight loss), the patient is responsible for more autonomy in their diet than traditional diets. Only after receiving important and basic information on the distribution of basic nutrients and the distribution of food throughout the day and week, the patient freely decide what to eat and drink according to taste, on occasion, opportunities and organizational practices of the day. On the other hand, the calorimeter (a sort of practical handheld assigned on loan) stores, as in a personal diary, the story of food every day of the planned program: count the calories, evaluate any residual heat can add a day Next, indicate the percentages of protein, fats and carbohydrates, reports constantly appointments controls weight. An approach like this "particular" achieves two important results. On the one hand it offers a precise notion quantitative and qualitative supply (how many calories, how much protein, fat, carbohydrates took the patient) necessary for the specialist who may experience "live" adherence to the diet, the most critical moments and loss of control. It also introduces the notion that absolute cognitive patient on which so much modern psychology emphasizes the power (the concept of self-monitoring) as a possible cornerstone of traditional dietetics. Each program
Doce for weight regulation also provides for a thorough check up of energy metabolism by running an Indirect Calorimetry (in can provide precise data on the basal metabolism and RQ) and a Total Body Dexa (anthropometric assessment of body composition). Exams certainly complex and important, but to minimize the possibility of errors of assessment when it concerns the daily calories assigned to the patient.
Today we can already boast a large group of "patients-doce" who continue to learn to manage their own power through the constant monitoring and regular checks are made. Each meeting is a continuous exchange of information between patient and specialist calorimeter is a renewed enthusiasm for the learned and well-earned satisfaction for the pounds lost.