Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coffee Corrosion On Metal

Probiotici, Latti Addizionali

yoghurt, probiotics, MILK AND OMEGA3 added plant sterols.

Once upon a time the milk and yogurt ... We went to the supermarket, we headed up to the counter fridge and we had a choice of whole or skimmed milk, yogurt or fruit, dense or drink.
Today, we head to the counter fridge and it opens up a world: milk with added omega-3 that is good for the heart, milk with plant sterol that lowers cholesterol, lactic acid bacteria from yogurt with unknown names and disturbing that regularize the bowel function and enhance the immune system ... .. but what should we do? We can choose a product in peace without first achieving a degree in molecular biology?!
We try to do some 'clarity, because I believe that consumers have a right to know to choose without fear that a "bifidus" alien to terrorize them into nightmares ...
What are milk added? In practice this is milk (usually cow) with the addition of substances that are "good" at something. Today there are mainly latti con Omega-3 e/o con steroli vegetali.
Gli omega 3 sono degli acidi grassi indispensabili per uno stato ottimale della salute umana che si trovano principalmente nel pesce. Sono grassi polinsaturi, ossia liquidi a temperatura ambiente e ricchi di “spezzettamenti” nella loro composizione chimica. E’ ormai noto che un’adeguata introduzione con la dieta di questi grassi riduca i fenomeni infiammatori e la possibilità di sviluppare fenomeni di aterosclerosi e patologie cardiache in generale. Aggiungerli al latte significa aumentare (sempre considerando la quantità individuale di assunzione di latte al giorno.)gli introiti di questi grassi. Ora, vorrei sottolineare che la dieta mediterranea è già di per sé caratterizzata a healthy balance (and I stress the word "BALANCE") between the various types of fatty acids and going to propose a food imbalances that the situation in favor of omega-3 may not be necessary, if not harmful. All those "chopped" in the chemical chain are "weak points" of the test and if one part is useful, too, become harmful. So, apart from marketing, say that if the diet is very poor and dull (low intake of fish, over-consumption of animal fat ..) can be useful to take these products, but certainly not out of control of the daily amount taken.
and plant sterols? It also called plant sterols and lower the level blood cholesterol in part by blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. Many studies show that between 1 and 3 grams of phytosterols per day for several weeks helps reduce plasma cholesterol. Of course, add to milk or yogurt becomes a daily habit that can be taken by the consumer to try to solve a metabolic problem. Nevertheless, we are products designed exclusively for people with high cholesterol, not intended for pregnant women, breastfeeding or for children under the age of 5 anni.Ultimo mention of probiotics: are substances that promote the growth of microorganisms with beneficial effects for the colon and the body in general. Are shown in tutti i casi di “disbiosi” intestinale (quando è presente colite, stitichezza, gonfiore addominale, diarrea). Nessuna grande controindicazione, ma, come per tutte le cose, non esageriamo mai con le quantità.

How To Wash A Northface Fleece

Il Carciofo e i suoi benefici

“Contro il logorio della vita moderna…”: così recitava la pubblicità di una nota marca di amari che qualcuno sicuramente ricorda…
“Oda a la Alcachofa” (Ode al Carciofo) scrisse Pablo Neruda in una raccolta di poemi…
Ebbene si: stiamo parlando di un vero e proprio protagonista, un principe nell’alimentazione e nella cucina: il carciofo.
Mammole romane, violetti di Toscana, spinosi di Liguria sono le varietà più diffuse ed in piena produzione fra Marzo ed Aprile.
Il Cynaria scolymus (questo il nome botanico) è uno degli ortaggi più sani e saporiti che la natura metta a disposizione, anche se le virtù attribuitegli sono in gran parte merito dell’intera pianta e non solo del capolino floreale (che comunemente mangiamo) colto prima che si apra in un meraviglioso fiore.
Un alimento squisito sia crudo che cotto nelle numerose e golose preparazioni della tradizione.
Principalmente da sottolineare l’attività coleretica del carciofo (capacità stimulation on the production of bile) and cholagogue (ability to facilitate the evacuation of bile in the intestines). In particular, a substance appears to be primarily active in this regard: cynarin, the bitter principle which characterizes the flavor of the artichoke. A "Bitter" which is good, as claimed by Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophy modern father), "a bitter taste that is refreshing healthy heart and liver of fatigued or ill."
addition, they have now demonstrated the cholesterol-lowering activity (decreases plasma levels of LDL cholesterol, "bad") and ipotriglicerimizzante (decreases plasma levels of triglycerides), then in general, decreases the amount of fat circulating in the blood (lipemia). The therapeutic dose seems to vary from 60 mg to 1.5 g cynarin per day, or 100-300g of artichokes a day for a long enough period of at least 2-3 months. Almost
therapy "pharmacology" that nature provides to purify during the awakening of spring, a beautiful flower that will wipe the blood and liver after the long winter slumber.
To underline the good amount of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and vit.B1.
also good fiber intake, essentially none of type (7.6 g/100g), although it is specified that the artichoke is a vegetable "From the fiber robust", ie the filaments that characterize it are especially hard to swallow in case of irritable bowel, flatulence, dyspepsia in general and intestinal diverticulosis.
E 'contraindicated for breastfeeding women because it disrupts the production of milk. Finally, a curiosity: it has the property of curdling milk.