Friday, September 5, 2008

Spotting With Mucus Before Period

Il Tè verde

Green tea comes from the buds of the leaves of the plant "Camellia sinensis, the same as the black tea we all know. Indeed, to be precise, there are three types of tea: black, oolong and green, falling exclusively under the type of work (in particular the different duration of fermentation of the leaves). In type "green" leaves, freshly picked, they are "washed" steam and immediately dried to prevent fermentation. Through this process the active ingredients remain the same and you lose a bit 'of protein.
that these drinks were a panacea, a kind of elixir of life, said the East for centuries, so that in the East of tea (green rigorously: the black, considered to be of low quality, we reserve the West) is the national drink . As early as 2700 BC narra di un imperatore, bevitore di tè, che era solito mettere le foglie della pianta dentro una brocca di acqua calda dando così inizio a questa affascinante usanza.
Tante sono state le ricerche su questa bevanda ed i primi studi risalgono a più di dieci anni fa. Decine sono le ricerche pubblicate su riviste scientifiche di rilievo, da Jama (Journal of American Medical Association) a Lancet.
Uno degli ultimi interessanti sviluppi è stato lo scoprirne le stupefacenti proprietà anti-invecchiamento ed anti-cancro. Una piccola curiostà: la “pulce” nacque osservando la straordinaria longevità, in Oriente, delle donne che insegnano la cerimonia del tè e che quindi assumono molto più tè rispetto alla media. Inoltre, tra i ricercatori di tutto il mondo nacque quello che poi fu definito il “paradosso nipponico”: perché i Giapponesi, tra i più forti fumatori al mondo, si ammalano meno che altrove di tumore al polmone?
Ciò è dovuto al potere dei componenti del tè verde, in particolare un tipo di costituenti fornisce i maggiori benefici per la salute: i polifenoli, in particolare delle catechine con potenti proprietà antiossidanti. Sembra, addirittura che un tipo di queste, le EGCG (epigallocatechine-galato), abbia un potere antiossidante 20 volte più forte della vitamina E. Il segreto (fornitomi da un amico orientale) per prepararlo correttamente: mettere un paio di grammi di tè in fondo ad una cup or teapot and fill with one part cold water and hot water (boiling water deteriorates the leaves), leave to infuse for 2-4 minutes, strain and add any honey or brown sugar, milk ever since the casein contained in it could neutralize the polyphenols. So .... Good cup at all!

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I cibi dell'estate

E 'arrived last summer: the time of the sun, of joy, energy manifests.
After the winter torpor, we are going to change more or less drastically our habits, even among all those foods.
What will change, or what should change in our power with the advent of hot summer days?
Surely the first change is the total calorie intake: if the winter has led to medium-high caloric intake it is time to reduce the calories consumed with food: it is no longer necessary to "speed up the carburetor" to defend cold, rather it wants to lessen our commitment digestive preferring fresh and light.
The excess fat we do not need more, we no longer have to "isolate" the entire body with a layer of fat, and we must allow the exchange between us and the external environment more complete: the energy accumulated in winter must be open outside and free.
therefore diminish the consumption of foods high in fat, especially animal products (butter, fatty meats, sausages, fatty cheeses, yogurt, pastries, creams) and increase the revenue of mono-and polyunsaturated fats (extra virgin olive oil, fish blue, dried fruit).
We cover our tables of fruit (at least 400g per day) and vegetables (at least 500g per day). Summer Fruits and vegetables are rich in water as opposed to those typically winter because nature knows what our bodies need at any time of year. Under the scorching sun of the summer we need water and minerals (watermelon, melon, tomato), for the rays Needless to ultraviolet beta carotene (carrots, cantaloupe, peppers), issued by the sweat and the consequent loss of minerals we need natural supplements of potassium (apricots, cantaloupe, peaches).
But a warning is better than the others: drink lots of water! If in winter the average recommended amount is 1 ml per kcal consumed, in summer we get to 1.5 ml per kcal. We strongly advise against alcohol and spirits: quench little and, in part, is dissipated as heat from the body (something that certainly we do not need ...) Also, to prevent food-borne diseases often typical of this period, it is important to eat fresh foods when cooked and eaten immediately.

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La Pizza Napoletana

Neapolitan pizza: PROPERTIES ', strengths and weaknesses

It' s almost always the question that is placed at the end of a visit, "I leave at least one pizza a week ...?".
Yes, it seems that you can not do without it: the pizza in its colors and scents is always a moment of joy and sharing with friends ...
But, let's see a little 'closer this wonderful dish Mediterranean diet.
In general, dietitians and nutritionists have never been soft on this food, often because it is the basis of failure by virtue of the important nutritional caloric intake, other times because it underlines the low digestibility (after eating the pizza I bloated as hell! "," I weight the day after eating the pizza and 1 kg more!).
The pizza, as well as bread and pasta (the 3 "P" so beloved by women. ...) Is one of the cornerstones of Italian food, the base of a food pyramid that sees its complex carbohydrates (including pizza is basically made up) as the most representative of the daily diet.
try to better understand the nutritional aspect: INRAN (ex istituto nazionale di nutrizione) per pizza pomodoro e mozzarella fornisce la seguente ripartizione su 100g di prodotto: 271 kcal, 52,9g di carboidrati, 5,6 di proteine, 5,6 di grassi.
Cosa dedurre? Sicuramente che l’apporto di carboidrati (circa il 73%) ben si allinea alle indicazioni della dieta mediterranea, ma laddove si vadano ad analizzare i grassi ci si accorge che l’80% sono di origine animale (ossia prevale la quota del grasso della mozzarella o di eventuale strutto nell’impasto su quella dell’olio di oliva aggiunto). In più, certamente si deduce che la pizza non è ipocalorica: in media una pizza comporta un’assunzione di circa 900 kcal, cioè quasi il 50% del totale delle kcal daily.
But if I stop for a while 'thinking with the mind "professional" and I urge the heart (and throat ...) and I can definitely say that we are talking about a genuine, good and deserves universal competence and passion the person who prepares and who the taste.
For hundreds of years, along with spaghetti and fish, pizza has been a major source of livelihood for most of a slice of the population, especially in the southern Italian.
abuse is not recommended, but a pizza every now and then, perhaps simpler, is much better than burgers, sandwiches or fried foods of all kinds. Much beloved by children, can be a great meal for those particularly picky or difficult to accept new foods. Do not forget, moreover, another important positive feature of Pizza: Allows an evening happy tears outside the home without your wallet!

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Il Miele

ancient food that has remained almost unchanged over the millennia its relationship with man.
Classical mythology shows that the food of the gods, to mortals given to comfort in the difficulties, pains and trials of everyday life. Honey as an alternative to ragweed, that mythology is restricted exclusively to the gods.
Through the various civilizations of Egypt, Babylonians, Romans and Hindus, honey has also passed on his healing powers, keeping alive the magical role that nature plays in human life. Each
honey brings not only the unique characteristics of its territory of origin and its specific flowering after which it lives, but also its specific therapeutic value.
Why not do well you must be an expensive honey "monoflora", for example, honey pine, fir, eucalyptus, lavender or thyme, usually prescribed in respiratory diseases. If you crop recently, is very effective even a good number of wild flower honey (poliflora), although it seems now shown that darker honeys tend to have a higher content of phenolic compounds that may be responsible for the positive antioxidant properties. Moreover, as suggested by recent studies (but surely our grandmothers knew already!), The viscosity of honey was an emollient on the respiratory system.
One of the latest research comes from the Medical Department of Pennsylvania State University: 105 patients aged 2 to 18 years, who had an upper respiratory tract and coughing, were divided into 3 groups. About half an hour before bedtime, one group was given honey, according to a joint-counter sedative for coughs, the third group no treatment. Well, honey has proved the most effective in all parameters evaluated. In conclusion should also be noted that honey has no side-effects of a synthetic drug and is certainly preferable to the palate (for adults and children)!