Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hit My Funny Bone Fingers Still Numb


Avoiding unnecessary words about the legitimacy or otherwise of the matter, there are several ways to get around the blackout - introduced by "Decree Ministry of the Economy" italiano - dei siti di Casino online e dei siti di scommesse sportive . Tutto sta nel bypassare i server DNS italiani e puntare, in altro modo, all'indirizzo IP del sito che si vuole navigare. Per fare ciò è possibile:
  • utilizzare direttamente l'indirizzo IP del sito piuttosto che l' hostname : occorre quindi memorizzarselo prima che il sito venga oscurato, ovviamente!
    ad es. l'indirizzo IP di è
  • modificare gli indirizzi IP dei DNS utilizzati dal proprio router e/o dalla propria scheda di rete: una buona alternativa sono quelli di OpenDNS ( e )

    Sull'argomento, comunque, esistono diversi forum di discussione... per me, invece, la discussione finisce qui: devo andare a scommettere su Juventus-Reggina! :D

Pescetarians And Weight Loss


Il perfetto funzionamento psico-fisico dell’organismo permette di gestire e regolare il peso corporeo. Il corpo deve, infatti, bilanciare attentamente il giusto apporto di calorie e dei diversi tipi di sostanze nutritive al fine di mantenere un equilibrio pressoché perfetto.
In questo senso, la fame e la sazietà rappresentano due fortissimi impulsi regolatori nel comportamento alimentare. Ora, siccome per quanto riguarda la sensazione di fame sembrano non esserci problemi nella maggior parte della popolazione, mi sembra opportuno approfondire il concetto di sazietà.
Si tratta dei meccanismi che risultano coinvolti nella cessazione dell’atto di mangiare (meglio definiti come “cascata della sazietà”).
First of all we should mention the satiating power of food, ie capacity that the food itself has to eliminate the desire to continue eating. There are foods in general "statistically more satiating" than others (especially foods high in fat), but subjectively I would say that individuals learn that certain foods are more or less satiating and this is often a factor influencing the food choices.
Another process that leads to satiety and food sensory effects: it favors the disruption of having to eat the food available with sensory characteristics similar to those just made. Here is the success of many "mono-diet (eg diet banana, potato diet, diet soup ...) for which you get to bring a person to prefer not to eat rather than continue with a mono-food diet! This effect is, in my opinion, one of the many wonders nell'autoregolazione food: What could be better, in kind, to induce the man to promote a nutritionally varied diet?
Another category of factors affecting the satiety are all what are called post-ingestion processes. Increases satiety increased gastric dilatation, as long as stomach emptying (fatty foods are the last to leave this body), the greater or lesser stimulation of receptors along the intestinal tract, etc. ..
A final component that should be mentioned also concerns the effect of post-absorption of food. These are the effect of food once it is absorbed by the intestinal villi and released (in the form of simple substances) in the bloodstream. The amount of substances such as glucose and amino acids in the blood determines strongly the feeling of research / abandonment of the food. Having a blood glucose (sugar content in the blood) is to be low in energy emergency, and then, physiologically, the satiety gives way to a sense of hunger and appetite for real then.
Recently, attention is turning to a substance that seems to act strongly on hunger-satiety-weight Body: leptin. It is a kind of information that continues at all times inform the brain about the amount of fat in the body. The fat decrease? Leptin blocks the satiety and urges us to eat. Almost had a spy inside that leaves no escape in case of war being overweight!
Fortunately, however, studies at both the biochemical mechanisms at the level of feeding behavior, leave ample room for work in those who strongly wish to change your eating style in particular and life in the broadest sense.

Morris Minor Pakistan


lot of the virtues of chocolate! There is even talk healing properties of this wonderful black gold.
Recently, researchers at the University of L'Aquila found that 100g of dark chocolate a day, served for 15 consecutive days, lower blood pressure and improve sugar metabolism.
The curative effects were found to be attributed to flavonols, compounds with antioxidant properties and protects the blood vessels and heart, and bioavailability of nitric oxide, which acts on pressure and metabolism.
A curiosity: chocolate consumption during pregnancy would foster serenity in the vitality of the unborn. Researchers at the University of Helsinki, involving 300 pregnant women and have followed them during pregnancy: it was found that children of mothers most delicious chocolate were not only more relaxed but also more active than others. Most likely this is due both to the effect (chemical), anti-stress chocolate is all 'psychological effect (I mean the well-being and to' appeasement in the face of a bar of chocolate ...).
Eating chocolate also may help combat certain types of intestinal tumors. The procianidrine (molecules contained in cocoa) protects cancer cells from degeneration. According to the Daily Express, scientists at Georgetown University in Washington conducted a series of tests with a synthetic version of procianidrine (The GECGC): the results showed that having a positive effect on four cancers, especially in two varieties of bowel cancer, where the substance is able to slow tumor growth by 50%.
course, the consumption of chocolate goes well weighted against the benefits because the cost in order of energy intake is very high. Who introduced chocolate to the diet advice a few small sacrifices to keep in balance the daily energy intake.