La Mela anticancro
"Does an apple a day keep the oncologyst away?" (Ie "can an apple a day keeps the oncologist away?") Is the title of an international research published in Annals of Oncology by researchers at the Mario Negri, CRO of Aviano, Istituto Tumori Genova, Pascale of Naples, the Regina Elena in Rome and the Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon.
And it is so, who would have thought that a scientific research published in an international journal in the twenty-first century to confirm in full the old proverb, the fruit of wisdom?
course ... maybe Adam and Eve would not quite agree with us, given the trouble that caused the apple in paradise ...! Instead, this fruit is a source of polyphenols (especially procianidrine), anti-free radical with a strong anti-aging and anti-atherosclerosis. Studies have confirmed that the apple, including cultivated fruits, contains the greatest amount of polyphenols (212 to 66mg/100g depending on the variety) with a record for the rennet (from the French Reinette which means queen). Explain
Mario Cristofolini, president of the Lilt of Trent, that the latest research concerning the behavior of cells of several human cancers, dall'adenoma cancer of the colon, the liver, leukemia, melanoma. The development of cancer cells in culture is reduced by approximately 40-60% by adding apple with the skin, with only 30-40% of the pulp.
Not only that, the study also signed by Carlo La Vecchia and Negri Eva Mario Negri Institute in Milan, revealed that the risk of cancer in "apple-eaters" is reduced by 21% for oral cancer, esophageal cancer by 25%, 20% for colorectal cancer of 18% for breast cancer, 15% the ovarian and 9% for the prostate.
In general, however, it is estimated that 20 to 40% of cancers of the digestive tract is associated with low consumption of fruits and vegetables. Just add a single serving of fruit / vegetables per day to reduce by 10-20% the relative risk of tumor formation.
But apart from the latest news, culinary and therapeutic virtues of the apple are known. It 's a muscle tonic, fortifying the nervous system, laxative, diuretic, antirheumatic, antisettico intestinale, indicato agli astienici, agli obesi, agli anziani, ai sedentari. Inoltre, se masticata a lungo, allevia l’aerofagia.
Utile, poi, in corso di dieta dimagrante: mantenendo alto per diversi minuti il tasso glicemico e contenendo una buona dose di pectina (fibra solubile) provoca un senso da sazietà maggiore di altri alimenti contenenti le stesse quantità di zuccheri.
Un’ultima curiosità: tra le tante lodi che si fanno a questo frutto, una recente e simpatica secondo cui tra i componenti della mela c’è anche un principio ormonale simil estrogeno, vero afrodisiaco naturale che agisce sull’ipotalamo dopo alcuni minuti da che il frutto è stato ingerito…
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