Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tell Difference Between Herpes Ingrown Hair

Polpette di manzo con patate e bieta al profumo di zenzero

Happy Saturday to all / and!!
.. Gunbad that out there .. and the clouds cover the sun and find out more .. they say it will rain tomorrow .. so I enjoy these rare ray of sunshine ... :-D

Faith Days is moving from the blog "Notes of chocolate see her contest zzzzzzz ... ginger (i) AMO? " .. as an ingredient that has just ginger! I told her that the only ingredient that I do not love in the kitchen (unless it bought in powder form to make a Christmas gingerbread cookies ) .. But I had also promised that I would have done everything possible to invent something .. and so .. a few nights ago .... meatballs!!

Fedeeee I hope you enjoy !!!!! :-D

This recipe is in the contest " zzzzzzz ... ginger (i) AMO? " by Federica Notes of chocolate

Ingr.: (For 20 balls )
gr. 600 ground beef 2 potatoes

4 cubes frozen chard
2 packets of seasonings for meat Ariosto (contains: salt, rosemary, garlic, sage, juniper, bay leaves, oregano, thyme, marjoram and basil)
milk lactose (less than 0.1% lactose)
gr. 100 of Ariosto Bread (made ready for breading)
4 teaspoons ground ginger

Bake in oven at max power for about 10 minutes depending on "defrost" the 4 cubes of beet and still frozen the two potatoes with the skin. If you do not have the microwave will boil the potatoes until soft and place the diced chard to thaw in a pan without adding anything. Peel the potatoes and chop the chard.
Put the ground beef in a bowl, add the chard, potatoes, seasonings and the amount of Parmesan cheese to taste and work well together, the mixture must be very soft. Shape into meatballs and mash slightly. In a bowl mix well with the ginger breads. Pass the meatballs first and then in the breadcrumbs in milk from all sides. Put them on an oven sheet covered with parchment paper, greased surface ...

... and bake at 180 degrees in preheated oven for about 30 minutes until they are cooked and golden.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop Iron On Transfers

Official Training Day 29th

STAGE - is chosen by the Technical Training Massimiliano Allegri for the 29th day of the season 2010-11: 4-4-2


van Bommel, JIMENEZ , Lazarus, AQUILANI
Ibrahimovic (captain), Loudspeakers,

Gargano, Emanuelson,
Borriello, Lucarelli.

Coach: M. HAPPY
Deputy Manager: M. TASSOTTI.
Injured: FELIPE, Pirlo, Budan
Suspended: -

Press Monteponi Football

Large Plastic Plant Pots

Spaghetti con alici in salsa piccante e bottarga

Finally we come to the end of the work week .. and I get there semrpe more tired and without energy .. but I am sure that my recovery is strongly tied to the arrival of spring!! I enjoy the day today with a beautiful sun .. as for the weekend rains are provided .. sigh .. uff .. arghhh .. grrrrrr ...

This first fish "chevvelodicoaffà" Richard has prepared me ... eheheheeh
... But not everything is about her eh! .. His goodness is due to anchovies in a spicy sauce of Rizzoli Emanuelli that as written on their site on-line " are considered one of the most popular specialties of Italian cuisine " .. and I can really confirm it .. the fillets are very soft ..
tasty .. and the spicy sauce (not too) is so gorgeous!! The
Rizzoli Emanuelli ensures quality crafting its products since 1906 only the best anchovies ... those caught in the Mediterranean Sea (FAO Area 37) in spring .
We wanted to make this dish even more special by adding a good sprinkling of roe.

good weekend !!!!!!

Ingr.: (2 persons)
gr. 300 of spaghetti Colavita
1 clove of garlic extra virgin olive oil

gr. 90 of anchovy fillets in hot sauce Rizzoli Emanuelli

parsley salt

In a pan fry the garlic in oil. Join the fillets alici e rimestare bene finchè non saranno sciolti nell'olio. Scolare la pasta al dente, fatela saltare nella padella con il condimento. Servite cospargendo di prezzemolo e bottarga a piacere.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

(0) What Does Mean Audi Warning Light

Involtini di pollo con funghi champignon

Buongiorno!!!!! su Roma altra giornata di sole.. ma ancora freddo.. tra 11 giorni sarà Primavera .. :-D non vedo l'ora!!!! alcuni alberi in strada già sono in fiore.. e nel nostro piccolo giardino le ortensie (piene di nuove foglie verdi)... le azalee (stracolme di boccioli) ed altre piante si stanno risvegliando dal lungo letargo invernale... non vedo l'ora di vederle esplodere di fiori!!!!!!!

The other night in the fridge there were chicken and mushrooms, I wanted to make one dish .. but the usual steak just did not go! and so I thought the rolls .. more delicious! results are very tasty and soft! and then the usual final shoe .. sandwiches with my milk to black olive pate .. I let you imagine! :-P slurp!

Ingr.: (For 13 rolls)
gr. 800 slices of chicken breast (medium size)
gr. 600
button mushrooms 1 heaping tablespoon tomato pate SiculiDivini

parsley 1 clove garlic 1 scoop of nut
granular without glutamate
pepe bianco
vino bianco secco
olio extravergine di oliva

Pulite, lavate e tagliate a pezzettini piccoli i funghi e poneteli in una casseruola (io ho utilizzato questa da diam. cm. 24 serie Fusion della KIT-ZEN ) con l'olio, lo spicchio d'aglio, il dado granulare ed il pepe...

Coprite e cuocete a fuoco medio finchè i funghi non saranno cotti, unite anche il prezzemolo (non aggiungete acqua, la tireranno fuori i funghi). Appena cotti scolateli dell'olio (non buttate quello che resta nella casseruola) e metteteli in una ciotola con un pò di pangrattato, il patè di pomodoro ed il pecorino e con questo composto farcite i petti di pollo che fermerete con uno stuzzicadenti.
Ponete il tutto nuovamente nella casseruola (io Kit-Zen ), anche il composto che vi dovesse essere avanzato, ed unite un pizzico di sale ed un filo di olio....

Fate saltare per qualche minuto girando da tutti i lati ed unite vino bianco affinchè siano copertiper la metà. Cuocete con coperchio (io avendo utilizzato la casseruola Kit-Zen , avevo il coperchio con la valvola che permette di far fuoriuscire il vapore, se non l'avete lasciate uno spiraglio quando coprite col coperchio) finchè il fondo non si sarà ristretto e gli involtini cotti. Servite cospargendo del fondo di cottura.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Many Hours Can Sperm Survive

Liquore di Kumquat

Buongiorno a tutti!!!!!!

Oggi niente ricette culinarie..
Nel nostro piccolo giardino abbiamo un alberello di Kumquat (mandarini cinesi).. l'anno scorso ha fatto tanti frutti ma non abbiamo fatto in tempo a coglierli per farci qualcosa...
Quest'anno siamo stati più veloci.. e con i nostri 66 kumquat.. abbiamo fatto... anzi ha fatto (RIC) litri 2,600 di liquore!!!!!!
E' davvero molto più delicato rispetto al limoncello.. ci piace tantissimo!!!!
L'ho servito in due bicchierini site CinqueSensi

Ingr.: (per 2.600 liters of liquor)
1 liter of alcohol
66 kumquat

For the syrup:
1.200 liters of water
gr. 750 caster sugar

In a glass jar (or 2) put the kumquats previously riddled with a toothpick and pour the alcohol. Close well and place in a dry place for about three weeks, giving a turn to the jar every day.
Finished the time prepared the syrup by boiling sugar in water until completely dissolved and let cool completely. Filtered well as alcohol, add allo sciroppo ed imbottigliate (utilizzate bottiglie adatte ad essere messe nel congelatore). Ponete in freezer e gustate il liquore ghiacciato!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Microgynon Causes Acne

Torta Mimosa al profumo d'arancia

Auguri a tutte le Donne!!!!!!
Non lo festeggio da quando avevo 15 anni questo giorno.... perchè oramai.. è diventata una festa totalmente consumistica...
Però un dolcetto fatto in casa da offrire a tutte voi.. quello si.. ci stava benissimo!!!!
E cosa ho scelto.. se non la classica torta mimosa????
Certo non senza dei cambiamenti... come potete vedere la classica crema chantilly (crema pasticcera + panna) has been replaced by simple custard flavored with orange peel .. which made it more .. we say light? :-D

This cake is in the contest "Millericette" Mix launched in collaboration with the Mills Pivetti ..

If you like it .. give me a hand .. comment it to
THIS LINK ... there is time until March 18 !!!!!

Ingr.: (For a springform pan diam. Cm. 24)
Pan English: (-tested recipe of Federica )

5 eggs 5 tablespoons full of flour mills Utility antigrumi Pivetti
5 heaped tablespoons caster sugar 1 orange zest

Pastry Cream: 4 egg yolks
gr. 130 gr caster sugar
. 60 flour mills Utility antigrumi Pivetti
1 / 2 liter of milk lactose (less than 0.1% lactose)
zest of 1 orange


juice of 1 orange 1 tablespoon rum 1
spoonful of sugar water

Garnish: powdered sugar

sponge (tips for success go HERE ):
Whip eggs and sugar in a bowl with electric whips gradually increasing speed, until puffy and fluffy and are well the compound, "writes" that the section of the dough, which falls from the beaters must remain visible for a few seconds before to conform to the rest, disappears immediately if you have to assemble again.

Now add the grated rind of orange, leave the hoses and equip yourself with a spatula with which incorporate the flour little by little, by dropping it directly from a sieve, with movements sensitive from the bottom up, trying not to remove the mass.
Pour the mixture into oiled and floured mold: Do not hit and uncapped, the mixture will settle itself in the oven. Bake in oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until edges begin to "shrink" slightly and detach from the walls of the mold. If the surface tends to brown too much, lower the temperature to 160 ° but DO NOT open the oven door.
Leave in the oven for another 5 minutes, misshapen and let it cool then put in a paper bag (or in a covered portatorte) so that, holding a bit 'damp, remain soft. Let cool.
Pastry Cream:
With Microwave: In a bowl, beat the eggs with the appropriate sugar. Add the flour and orange zest. Mix well adding milk little by little. Put in the microwave at max power for about 9 minutes (turning every 3) or until it reaches the desired consistency.
Traditional: Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Add the flour. In another pan boil the milk with orange zest and remove from heat when bubbles. Milk diluted with flour. Put on the heat to a boil again and cook without stirring per circa 2 minuti a fuoco bassissimo.

Fate raffreddare la crema coperta da pellicola trasparente che deve toccare la crema stessa.
Appena il pan di spagna sarà freddo, tagliate la calotta (la parte sotto dovrà essere più alta). Svuotate leggermente la parte inferiore e tenete da parte questa mollica con la quale creerete le briciole tipiche di questo dolce.

Spennellate con la bagna il disco inferiore, insistendo sui bordi che solitamente son semrpe più duri, non esagerate. Distribuite la crema sul disco inferiore finchè non lo riempirete completamente, ne occorrerà poco più della half.
Replace the cover, brush them with the rest of the wet, cover completely with remaining cream and place the bread on the surface of the sponge removed beforehand and making it slightly crumbled well join by creating a slight dome in the middle.
Place in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kodak Digital Camera Diagram

Penne con patè di melanzane e capperi

Good beginning of the week !!!!!! Rome and finally the sun is shining again !!!!! even if it is still a little chilly .... Today

volovo steal a few minutes to talk about " Delights Vatican Tropea " .. Company di Produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti tipici calabresi a Capo Vaticano Tropea in Calabria. Produttori di cipolla rossa di Tropea, marmellata di cipolla, nduja . .. la quale ringrazio di cuore per avermi dato modo di provare i loro prodotti che sono interamente naturali "Senza Coloranti nè Conservanti"
Con il loro " Patè di Melanzane ".... ho condito la pasta, arricchendolo con dei pomodori Piccadilly e dei capperi... ma è ottimo anche su pane e bruschette oltre che per insaporire le carni... Questo patè ha un leggero gusto "sottacetato" (perdonatemi il termine eheheh) proprio buono!
E poi volevo commentare anche la bontà della loro " Mousse di cipoll a ".. che contiene " cipolla Rossa di Tropea, zucchero, aceto, uva passa ed aromi naturali " . . adatta sia sui formaggi che sulla carne... ed infatti io l'ho utilizzata per accompagnare una bella tagliata di manzo che io e Ric ci siamo cucinati sabato sera! :-D

Ingr.: (per 2 persone)
gr. 300 di penne rigate
1 vasetto di patè di melanzane Delizie Vaticane di Tropea
8 pomodori Piccadilly
1 manciata di capperi
olio extravergine di oliva
1 spicchio di aglio

In a pan fry the garlic until browned, then remove it. Add the tomatoes, cut into 4 pieces and capers and cook for half an hour on medium heat with salt and adding water when necessary. By the time the pasta is cooking, add the tomato and eggplant pate also do well to blend the whole, adding cooking water if it is too dry. Drain the pasta, pour it into the mixture and serve.

All Nighter Stove For Sale

Panini al latte con patè di olive nere

Happy Sunday !!!!!!
Yesterday morning I wanted to bake bread with my friend Ram Express .. but what to do ... loaf?? cake?? Noooooo !!!!..... sandwiches ???.. Ooooo !!!!!!!
days ago I saw these from Luciana's blog Kitchen & Gianduia .. and it was love at first sight ... I was curious about the use of durum wheat that had long ago used to prepare the loaf like Altamura .. I thought only
agiungere more than the olive paste ..

Result? sandwiches transparencies .. soft .. and tasty .. you can eat is so .. that stuffed with salami .. cheese or whatever you like!

Ingr.: (For 11 rolls)
gr. 300 of lactose-free milk (less than 0.1% lactose)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 heaping tablespoon of
black olive pate
gr. 10 grams of sugar
. 10 grams of salt
. 250 gr flour 00
. 250 of durum wheat Molino Spadoni (alternatively, Manitoba)
1 packet active dry yeast

With MDP: the pan in the order you put the water, oil, pate, salt, sugar, flour and baking powder. Start the levitation + dough (takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes)
Traditional: put on a board flour mixed with salt, make a hole and put the yeast and the rest of the ingredients and started to knead by combining the water gradually until it will become a homogeneous and not sticky. Knead for quite a while after that make a ball and place the covered dough rise for 1 hour.

Shoot the dough, sgonfiatelo and dates the form of rolls. Place them on a plate lined with parchment paper oven, brush them with milk and put them in the oven with the light on to rise for about 2 hours.

Below you see the rolls before the 2nd rise and after 2 hours ...

brush them again with milk and place in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes or until the surface is pretty golden.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Modular Beer Brewing System

STAGE - Training Here Massimiliano Allegri chosen by the technician for the 28th day of the season 2010-11: 3-4-3


Gargano, Van Bommel, JIMENEZ, Lazarus,
Ibrahimovic (Captain) CASSANO, Borriello.

Budan, Lucarelli.

Coach: M. HAPPY
Deputy Manager: M. TASSOTTI.
Injured: FELIPE, Aquilani, Pirlo.
Suspended: CANINI

Press Monteponi Football

Hydrogen Generator Stoves

Press Conference: Allegri

MONTEPONELLO - Back to the coach Massimiliano Allegri speak for the new round of the championship; here are the words issued in a press conference:

"We are experiencing a period of minor difficulties that did not allow us to remain attached to the train the first three, but the distance is not large and we can still recover. Injuries have certainly caused a small deflection and even now I have to manage a park players in top condition. We will, however, our race and try to say something. Resignation? I think not, perhaps a principle of contentment, the rest of the guys have given so much and received little in terms of merit because many, many times he finished second in a hair from winning the day. Now we need to be patient and keep working. President? It 's very busy per questioni lavorative, ma quando può viene sempre a trovarci e a caricare l'ambiente, non lascerebbe mai questo piccolo grande giocattolo. Pirlo senza dubbio manca più di tutti, ma questa è una società seria e non ha voluto comunque privarsi di questo campione. Non si lasciano sole le bandiere. Inzaghi? Mi piacerebbe allenarlo, ma oggi come oggi è impossibile, anche per via del suo importante infortunio. Van Bommel? Un esempio, un grande lavoratore. Cassano? Sta recuperando da quel lungo periodo di inattività e ci servirà soprattutto per la prossima decina di partite. Borriello partirà titolare assieme a Ibra, ma non escludo Cassano. In difesa mancherà Canini, a centrocampo le assenze di Pirlo e Aquilani sono indubbiamente heavy, because they both have good feet, high visibility of play, restarts and disqualifications generous in the DNA, then we will play again with a more physical and muscular midfield at the expense of quality that have the two of them together or one at a time. I am confident for the match which will also be a key to find the right aggression. "

Press Monteponi Football

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Full Board Vs All Inclusive

Sovracosce di pollo con pomodori secchi ed olive nere

Hello !!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to reassure all of you .. I'm a little bit better today .. I'm on the road to recovery !!!!! These ailments are letting go of the season ... I have a hard Pellacchia I believe you! :-))))

not hate me .. Unfortunately (or fortunately) to our house we love so much the Thigh of chicken ... and at least 1 time every 15 days even less .. the cook there .. For this semrpe try to find new ways to prepare them .. I tired the same flavors .. , -)

Ho utilizzato i pomodori secchi siciliani di Siculidivini ... che hanno insaporito bene bene la carne.. e contribuito ad ottenere un sughino di fondo gustoso e leggermente rosato!
Ricordo che per i miei lettori.. sul sito on line Siculidivini ... c'è sempre lo sconto del 5% su tutti i prodotti inserendo al momento dell'ordine il codice: myricettarium2011

Ingr.: (per 2 persone)
2 sovracosce di pollo
4 filetti di pomodori secchi Siculidivini
olive nere (quantità a vostra scelta)
insaporitore per carni bianche La Bottega Lombardo (contiene: aglio, laurel, white onion, coriander, rosemary, parsley, oregano, black pepper, salt) 1 clove garlic

1 / 2 cup dry white wine

Preparation: Cut
some olives in small pieces with 'garlic and dried tomatoes. Rinse and dry the Thigh. Distribute the seasonings, massaging well, on the whole surface of the meat. Ask the Thigh in a pan (no oil, the chicken will pull out of her), practice cuts with a sharp knife, add the tomatoes, garlic, olives and chopped 1 handful of whole olives. Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 1 hour and 20 ', or until the meat is not cotta e si sarà formata una crosticina sulla superficie. Fate intiepidire e servite cospargendo della salsina di fondo.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Manual For Cookwork Breadmaker Xbm1129

Cannelloni con crema di radicchio e caprino

Tralascio il mio stato fisico.. e passo subito a questi cannelloni.. preparati per il nostro scorso pranzo domenicale...

Ingr.: (per 10 cannelloni)
10 cannelloni secchi pronti da farcire
gr. 150 di formaggio caprino
1 cespo piccolo di radicchio
1/4 di cipolla
1 manciata di pinoli
un pezzetto di pancetta arrotolata e schiacciata Magnaparma (in alternativa gr. 100 di cubetti)
1/3 di bicchiere di vino bianco secco
olio extravergine di oliva
farina 00 antigrumi Molino Chiavazza (in alternativa 00)
pepe bianco

Besciamella: (abbastanza liquida)
gr. 25 olio extravergine di oliva
gr. 25 farina 00 antigrumi Molino Chiavazza (in alternativa 00)
1/2 litro di latte delattosato a meno dello 0,1% di lattosio
pepe bianco
noce moscata

In una casseruola (io ho utilizzato questa diam. cm. 24 della linea Greenline della BALLARINI ) soffriggere la onion with the bacon cut into small cubes until it will not become clear, even aThis point add the chopped radicchio and pine nuts and saute a few minutes. Wet with wine and let evaporate ...

Cook for about ten minutes and puree. Put in saucepan, add the goat cheese and mix well so everything is a smooth cream. Transfer the mixture into a bowl, add salt, add a pinch of pepper and just enough flour so the mixture is fairly compact, then stuffed cannelloni (I used a disposable pastry bag of DECORA ).
Prepare the sauce: (must be quite liquid)
microwave version: Mix oil and flour. Pour the milk. Put in microwave for 10 minutes at max power, stirring every 2 / 3 minutes. Combine salt, white pepper, nutmeg and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.
Version without microwave Mix oil and flour. Pour half the milk. Put on the stove and pour the remaining milk. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes (if you do not want to risk burning the bottom, hold the pot away from the flame finger). Salt, pepper and flavored with nutmeg and parmesan.
Put a little sauce on bottom of a baking dish; Lay the cannelloni, cover with sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and nutmeg and bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 35 minutes or until the surface will have formed a crust. Let cool and serve.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can You Get Herpes On Your Foot

Plumcake alle mandorle e gocce di cioccolato

And if I was discharged yesterday .. Today is even worse!! and the weather not improving .. rain and more rain on the capital!! I am comforted this morning at the bar with a nice Cornettone in the company of my friends .. at least I started the day working! .. or at least .. you try!!
plumcake This had caught my attention and awakened my taste buds from the first moment I saw him in HERE Blog Sara "knead dough" .. I knew that I would have done as soon as possible ... As always (Saretta I do not want!) .. I made changes ... but in brackets indicate the amounts its original ...
I highly recommend .. because the interior is very humid in the right place .. and stays soft for days !!!!! :-D

This recipe is in the contest "The plum : from sweet to savory " of Natalia's blog "Fusilli fried"

Ingr.: (stampo da plum cake da cm. 25)
gr. 200 di farina antigrumi Molino Chiavazza (in alternativa 00)
gr. 75 di mandorle pelate (nell'originale gr. 100 di farina di mandorle)
gr. 200 di zucchero semolato
gr. 90 di olio di semi di arachide (nell'originale gr. 100 di olio evo)
gr. 150 di latte delattosato a meno dello 0,1% di lattosio (nell'originale latte normale)
3 uova
3 cucchiai di rhum
1 bustina di lievito vanigliato
gr. 25 di gocce di cioccolato Chocaviar 90% Venchi (there were in the original)

I did not have almond nor granulated sugar for decoration, but in the original

Preparation :
Chop the almonds together with sugar until they become a fine consistency. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk until the mixture is clear, add the flour and sugar, chopped, oil, milk, rum and finally the flour sifted with baking powder. Mix well. Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan (I used this line Thermomagie of GUARDINI that changes color when 1, it's hot photos .. when it is cold and the 2nd photo )....

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes (do the toothpick test) + 5 fire is out.