Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Does Throat Hurt When Getting Period

Fusilli al pomodoro e origano

Here we are at the beginning of a new week ..
not know about you .. but I. .. want for the time .. Look for another set of reasons .. I'm physically download !!!!!
I save only the arrival of spring I'm afraid! ahahahahaha

This recipe is too simple and straightforward for you?? Maybe! However, an alternative .. even more good for me .. the classic tomato and basil .. and I wanted to share it ... maybe you never thought of that! :-D
I did it knowing Ric .. and in fact is that he 'has prepared! We wanted to use
Pomilla of ILLA .. perfectly suited to preparing a pot of sauce .. because of the color red and the lid in the shape of tomatoes! This is not love? ;-)

Ingr.: (2 persons)
gr. 300 fusilli
a big jar of peeled tomatoes 1 clove garlic

extra virgin olive oil salt oregano

pepper Preparation:
In una pentola (io ho utilizzato Pomilla della ILLA) fate soffriggere l'aglio nell'olio, unite i pomodori ed iniziate la cottura aggiungendo acqua se occorre. Aggiustate di sale, peperoncino ed origano. Cuocete per almeno 1 ora. Servite cospargendo di origano a piacere.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kates Playground 2009 Stream

Training Officer Training Officer

STAGE - is chosen by the Technical Training Massimiliano Allegri (who did not want to make the usual pre-race press conference to follow the best finish of the session) for the 27th day of the season 2010-11: 4-4-2

Gargano, Van Bommel, JIMENEZ, Lazarus,
Ibrahimovic (Captain), Borriello.

FELIPE, Lucchini,

Coach: M. HAPPY
Deputy Manager: M. TASSOTTI.
Injured: Aquilani, Pirlo.
Suspended: -

Press Monteponi Football

14 Dpo Very Moody And No Period

Budino alla vaniglia con colata di vincotto di fichi

Buongiorno e buon sabato!!!!!

Oggi sarò super veloce nel presentarvi il budino alla vaniglia preparato co n la miscela pronta Molino Chiavazza ...

Per renderlo più goloso... l'ho served sprinkled Vincotte fig farming community Nunzio .. its bitter contrasts well with the sweetness of the pudding ... :-D

Ingr.: (4 servings) 1 envelope
prepared vanilla pudding Molino Chiavazza
ml. 500 of lactose-free milk less than 0.1% lactose
Vincotte fig farming community Nunzio

Preparation: microwave
Version: Pour the contents of an envelope in a pan suitable for microwave and melt it with a piece of milk to obtain a crema fluida senza grumi; aggiungete il latte rimanente, ponete in microonde alla max temperatura per circa 10 minuti girando ogni 3.
Versione senza microonde: Versate il contenuto di una busta in un pentolino e scioglierlo con una parte del latte in modo da ottenere una crema fluida senza grumi. Aggiungete il latte rimanente e portate ad ebollizione. Lasciate bollire per 2 minuti a fuoco moderato continuando a mescolare.

Versate il preparato caldo in 4 stampi o in uno stampo unico e lasciate raffreddare il budino in frigorifero per almeno 2 ore o a temperatura ambiente per 4 o 5 ore. Sformate e servite cospargendo di vincotto di fichi

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Builda Mini Sand Rail

Tortiglioni con sugo pronto all'arrabbiata con capperi e patè di acciughe

Finalmente il week end è nuovamente alle porte.. e la fantastica giornata di sole (anche se fredda) di oggi.. mi fa ben sperare anche per domani!

Oggi vi lascio un primo velocissimo.. con un sugo fatto in 5 minuti..
Non fate quelle facce.. si.. ho detto proprio 5 minuti non 50!!! come è possibile?
...bè usando il sugo pronto all'arrabbiata del Pastificio Colavita ovvio!!!! :-D
E' molto buono.. leggero.. non tanto "arrabbiato".. quindi secondo me adatto anche a chi il "troppo" piccante non piace..

(foto presa dal web)

Ringrazio il " Colavita Pasta Factory "for giving me the opportunity to try them both .. that pasta sauces! ;-).. Both good and then let me tell you .. .. and I Molise is a half from my father I'm just a country very close to the company!
We we wanted to enrich adding capers and anchovy pate Siculidivini ... .. but without guarantee on the goodness!

nice weekend !!!!!

Ingr.: (2 persons)
300 gr. tortiglioni
of a jar of sauce Arrabbiata Colavita

a handful of capers 2 teaspoons anchovy pate Siculidivini

In a large skillet heat the sauce for a few minutes, adding even the pate of anchovies and capers. Drain the pasta and mix it well with sauce. Serve.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where Can I Buy Flaming Hot Doritos

Focaccia al rosmarino

Kill that cold! brrrrr temperatures are decreased sharply compared to one week ago!!
But on the other hand .. the sun is shining .. :-D

I guess you understand that I have been invaded by the mania of leavened ... and before the bread .. and then the brioche .. and now?? the cake !!!!!!
The recipe I saw
HERE from my dear friend's blog Cri " Pumpkin capricious" ...
She always says that I see her recipes .. I plan to do it and then ... I do not ever .. Well .. is not it !!!!! How many have copied him .. or I was inspired .. But now you has run balked on his home made nut .. and as long as I will not .. I will always say so .. aahahahaha
my Cri Bella!! :-DDDDD

The only change I made putting rosemary in place of linseed .. and changing a little time to rise .. but even so!

The cake is really good ... soft on the inside .. crunchy on the outside!!
I say only that Ric .. Saturday night .. essersene after 3 slices brushed .. said: " this is the good thing that you have prepared with the MDP " ahahahahaahha

gr. 300 of 00 flour for pizza Molino Spadoni
gr. 150
of warm water 1 / 2 packet of dry yeast
gr. 50
of extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt

Ingr. Extra virgin olive oil

rosemary salt water

Preparation: With
MDP: put the pan in the order water, oil, salt, sugar, flour and baking powder. Start the levitation + dough (takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes or 1 hour and 30 out of dough to rise).
hand: Mix together flour, baking powder and sugar, once blended well, add salt and gradually warm water. Begin to knead by incorporating a bit 'at a time the oil and continue to knead vigorously until the dough is smooth and elastic. Let rise for 1 hour in the oven with only the light on (keeps a temperatuira about 30 °).

time has elapsed take the dough, place it on a plate covered with parchment paper oven (previously brushed with oil) and spread it with your hands. Brush them with olive oil, sprinkle with coarse salt and place in oven with the light always on for another 30 minutes ...

After the interval, resume the dough, make little holes in the classics with the fingertips of the hands and pour emulsion made of 2 / 3 of oil and 1 / 3 of water (I used 4 tablespoons of oil + 2 water), then sprinkle with rosemary to taste ....

Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until the surface is golden. Cool down out of the oven by placing it on grill oven.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is It Okay To Shower With A Tiffany Bracelet On

Gnocchi di patate con crema di noci aromatizzata al tartufo

And now a timid sun holds ... until now that the 11:30!

What you do when you feel like gnocchi .. but you do not have neither the desire .. nor the time to do it?
Simple .. prepared using a flash .... in my case Gnocchi Sprint "of Molino Spadoni .. you just add water .. mix .. and that's got a mixture from which derive the dumplings!

seasoning, I did not make the classic sauce .. but I opted for another classic .. cream and nuts .. with a variation .. the addition of sauce based on olive oil truffle of the Organic Farm Di Nunzio that gave a flavor and fragrance that I would advise you to try!

Ingr: (for 500 gr. Dumplings - 2 people also 3)
For the gnocchi:
gr. 250 of instanteous Gnocchi Sprint Molino Spadoni
250 ml cold water

For the sauce:
200 ml of lactose-free cream kitchen
10 nectarines (about 50 gr.)
sauce based on olive oil truffle aroma of the Organic Farm Di Nunzio

1 clove of garlic olive oil parmesan

salt For decoration:
4 Nuts (8 kernels)

Prepare the dumplings: In a bowl put
water and pour in mixing semrpe preparation. Knead well until dough is smooth. On a floured surface, take small pieces and form rolls diam. about a finger and cut the length of cm. 2 . If you do not cook them all .. you can freeze them
Prepare the dressing: Whisk the cream with
nuts until you get a cream.
In una casseruola (io ho utilizzato questa da diam. cm. 24 serie Fusion della KIT-ZEN che grazie all'acciaio multistrato e alla base con l'aggiunta del fondello garantiscono un'ottima distribuzione del calore ed il cibo non si attacca) fate imbiondire l'aglio in un goccio di olio. Unite la crema di noci, sale, il condimento aromatizzato al tartufo ed un goccio di acqua di cottura se risultasse troppo asciutto, fate insaporire il tutto qualche istante e spegnete la fiamma.

Portate ad ebollizione l'acqua, salatela e cuocete gli gnocchi. Scolateli con un mestolo forato appena affiorano (ci vorrà circa 1 minuto) e poneteli nella casseruola con la crema di noci. Amalgamate bene il tutto e servite cospargendo di parmigiano a piacere e qualche gheriglio per decorazione.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sorority Initiation Dresses

Buona domenica!!!!! ieri su Roma è stato un vero anticipo di primavera.. sole tiepido... cielo azzurro.. arietta frescolina.. insomma si stava benissimo fuori!!!!.. ed oggi???? nuovamente cielo grigio :-(... e vabbè.. godiamoci le belle giornate quando ci sono!

Queste zucchine le ho preparate venerdì scorso... ed è stata la prima volta che le facevo!!!! Son andata un pò a gusto mio... anche se effettivamente non è che ci voglia tutta questa grande maestria per farle! ahahaahah un ripieno tipo polpette.. ed il gioco è fatto!
A me è avanzato almeno metà del composto... e cosa ci ho fatto?? appunto delle polpettine!!! :-p

Questa ricetta partecipa al contest " Piatti Unici " di Eleonora del blog "Burro e Miele"

5 zucchine
gr. 500 di macinato di manzo
1 uovo
insaporitore per carni arrosto Ariosto (contiene: sale, rosmarino, aglio, salvia, ginepro, bay leaves, oregano, thyme, marjoram and basil)

cinnamon milk lactose less than 0.1% lactose
2 teaspoons tomato pate Siculidivini
Sicilian extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic

1 large can peeled tomatoes 1 scoop of nut
granular without glutamate

Wash zucchini, cut in half vertically and empty without (I used a dig), in the absence of this you should use a boxcutter loooong sharp and patience! :-D

Meanwhile heat garlic oil and let brown, add the crushed tomatoes, nut granular, a pinch of cinnamon and half a cup of hot water and cook over medium / low. Half
pulp of zucchini cut into pieces and add it in a bowl with the ground, the egg, a pinch of cinnamon, parmesan cheese, a little milk, seasonings and tomato pate ..

With compounding, helping with the handle of a spoon, fill the zucchini.
With the amount of ground and zucchini I used .. I advanced nearly half of the compound .. and there I made some meatballs. Arrange zucchini
e polpette nella padella (io ho utilizzato questa da diam. cm. 30 della linea Ardesia con rivestimento interno in ceramica della PEDRINI )...

Coprite con coperchio e cuocete a fuoco medio per circa 1 ora, girando di tanto in tanto.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


27th Day 26th Day 25th Day

STAGE - is chosen by the Technical Training Massimiliano Allegri (who did not want to do the usual pre-race press conference to follow the best seat trim) for the 26th day of the season 2010-11:

Form 3-4-3

AQUILANI, Van Bommel, JIMENEZ, Lazarus,
Ibrahimovic (Captain), Borriello, Cass.

Emanuelson, Gargano,
Lucarelli, Budan.

Coach: M. HAPPY
Deputy Manager: M. TASSOTTI.
Injured: Lucchini, Pirlo.
Suspended: -

Press Monteponi Football

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Cani Stop Twitching

zucchini stuffed with meat loaf with sundried tomatoes with broccoli

Buongiorno!!!! e dopo la giornata di pioggia di ieri.. oggi una tregua!! speriamo duri...

Ve l'avevo detto che avrei messo sotto torchio il mio amico "Ariete Pane Express"!!! così appena posso sperimento un nuovo pane.. con ingredienti aggiuntivi.. e questa volta è toccato a questo.. con i pomodori secchi.. ma non pomodori qualunque... quelli siciliani!!!!
Andate sul sito Siculidivini ... troverete una vasto assortimento di prodotti tipici siciliani di qualità!!! E poi.. a voi che siete miei lettori.. spetta uno sconto del 5% inserendo al momento dell'ordine il codice: myricettarium2011

Questo pane ci è piaciuto veramente tanto!!!! è durato soltanto 2 giorni!!!! :-D

Questa volta ho voluto prolungare la 2° lievitazione ad 1 ora.. e forse qualcosa di diverso c'è.. l'alveolatura.. ne son venute alcune più grandi!!! non so se si vede...

Ingr.: (For a loaf of about gr. 750)
gr. 500 mixture of bread Molino Chiavazza
1 packet active dry yeast 1 teaspoon sugar

2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons oil

gr. About 300 of warm water
6 tomato slices dry Sicilian Siculidivini

With MDP: put the pan in the order water, oil, salt, sugar, the flour and baking powder. Start the leavening dough + (dura in tutto 1 ora e 30 minuti). Al momento che udirete dei sonori beeeppppp (durante la 2° impastatura) unite anche i pomodori secchi tagliati a pezzettini....

Metodo tradizionale: Sciogliete il lievito in mezzo bicchiere di acqua con il cucchiaino di zucchero, mescolate bene facendolo sciogliere e lasciate riposare per circa 10 minuti, finchè non vedrete che si sarà formata una schiumetta in superficie. Su una spianatoia ponete la farina a fontana ed il sale, al centro mettete il lievito, l'olio ed i pomodori spezzettati ed iniziate ad impastare unendo l'acqua mano a mano finchè non ne risulterà un impasto omogeneo e non appiccicoso. Impastate a lungo dopodichè make a ball and place the covered dough rise for 1 hour.

Shoot the dough with your hands and sgonfiatelo . Given the shape of a loaf and place on a plate oven covered with baking paper sprinkled with flour, sprinkle the loaf with flour, punch 3 oblique incisions with a sharp knife and let rise for 1 hour further heated in the oven for a few minutes prior to temperature of 50 °.
Bake the loaf in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes until the crust is golden beautiful.
let cool on a wire rack wrapped in a cotton cloth.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kmbd Bus Stand Address

Sicilian Meatloaf wrapped in bacon

Ecco qui.. dopo giorni di sole e cielo sereno.. che ci hanno dato un assaggio di primavera.... su Roma torna il grigiore e la pioggia!!!!

In casa nostra si sa ormai quanto amiamo.. oltre che le sovracosce di pollo.. le polpette ed i polpettoni!!! Mi piace sempre trovare nuovi modi di prepararli... e farcirli..
Questo è nato grazie anche alla complicità di 2 broccoli siciliani che erano in frigo in attesa di essere cucinati... così ho pensato di unire il tutto per crearne un piatto unico...
Ne è uscito questo polpettone davvero saporito.. con quella pancetta croccante.
Non immaginate una fetta dura che si taglia facilmente.. bensì molto morbida.. :-D.. poi credo che la foto dica tutto!!

Questa ricetta partecipa al contest "Piatti Unici" di Eleonora di Burro e Miele

2 broccoli siciliani
2 cucchiaini di crema di aglio e peperoncino Magnaparma
1 misurino di dado granulare senza glutammato
gr. 500 di macinato di manzo
insaporitore per carni rosse La Bottega Lombard o (contiene: sale, basilico, prezzemolo, cipolla, maggiorana, alloro, aglio, origano, rosmarino, ginepro)
3 cucchiai di fiocchi di patate - preparato per purè (in alternativa 1 uovo)
extra virgin olive oil
of typical bacon

In a saucepan (I used this line the Green Line BALLARINI ) put the broccoli cut into florets and wash and let them jump oil briefly uniting the cream of garlic and chili. Add hot water in which you have dissolved the nut and then granular cucoere over medium / low for at least 15 minutes or until they are cooked, after which crush with a fork. In a bowl put the ground meat, broccoli, potato flakes, Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs, enough so that the mixture is homogeneous and compact so as to form a loaf. Put it on slices of bacon cut thin and too many mettetene above. Stop them sideways with toothpicks ...

Place in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 1 hour or until it is cooked ... obviously with the bacon cooking and making crisp withdrew a little .. but I guarantee the goodness !!!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ambien Overdose Dosage

boar pate, pork tenderloin and tomini ...

Hello dear readers and dear readers ....

Today I will be very short ... if you do not have time to prepare a appetizer .. to nurture trust - online sales of wine and food products quality .. Look here trinkets ...
Over the crostini with the "wild boar pate " spread on bread like my Altamura, slightly moistened with broth and prepared by Richard .. We watched the " fillets of pork with herbs in olive oil " and "-milk cheese cheese in oil with spices " .. all very good and high quality!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Hook Up A Honeywell Thermostat To Pump

Thigh chicken with honey and lemon

Happy Valentine's Day!
earthen remember that for me is the feast of chi si vuol bene.. quindi lo auguro anche alla mia mamma... ai miei cari ed alle mie amiche più sincere!!!!!! oltre che al mio amore.. RIC !!!

Oggi vi lascio un'altra ricetta veloce.. veloce.. utilizzando le sovracosce di pollo che son le nostre alleate in cucina!!! ci salvano tante di quelle cene!!!!
Questa è la 3° variazione che faccio utilizzando il miele.. mi piace troppo l'abbinamento con la carne!! Stavolta ho voluto provare col Miele di Melata di Bosco del Roero (dal sito Alimentiamo) .. dal sapore molto particolare e un pò meno dolce rispetto agli altri tipi di miele..

Ingr.: (per 2 persone)
2 Chicken Thigh
1 tablespoon Honeydew Honey nurture

juice of 1 lemon extra virgin olive oil 1 packet of
Seasonings for beef Ariosto (contains: salt, rosemary, garlic, sage, juniper, laurel , oregano, thyme, marjoram and basil) to taste
: sesame seeds

1 pkg. new potatoes vacuum
Seasonings Potato Ariosto (contains: sea salt, garlic, rosemary, sage, juniper, basil, marjoram, oregano, bay leaves, coriander and parsley) olive oil

Rinse well and dry the chicken. Massage it thoroughly with the ' Seasonings for meat and some incisions on the surface with a knife. Prepare an emulsion with a little oil, lemon and honey and brush (I used the silicone brush PAVONIDEA ) the surface of chicken. Cover with cellophane and place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour and a half.
Contour : In a bowl, mix the potatoes with the ' Seasonings Potato and a little oil.
Put the potatoes in the pan with the chicken. Spread on the surface of chicken with sesame seeds to taste. Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 1 hour or until it is cooked.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tanning Salon Cover Letter

Training Officer

STAGE - is chosen by the Technical Training Massimiliano Allegri for the 25th day of the season 2010-11: 3-4-3


AQUILANI, Van Bommel, Gargano, Lazarus,
Ibrahimovic (Captain), Borriello, Cass.

Lucarelli, Budan.

Coach: M. HAPPY
Deputy Manager: M. TASSOTTI.
Injured: ABATE, Pirlo.
Suspended: JIMENEZ.

Press Monteponi Football

How Long Does It Take For Ice To Freeze

Linguine with white sauce flavored with truffle

Happy Saturday to all s ... Rome today on a beautiful sun is not shining as I had hoped since the last few days .. I think that I also take around a bit .. peeps behind a cloud .... and then .. pufff .. disappears .. and oh well! :-S

This was first cooked by Ric .... (It takes me to say it ...) a few nights ago ...
not seem like a particular dish .. is basically a simple white sauce !!!.. but this is where you are wrong!! the extra touch gave him the " Condiment of extra virgin Oliva da agricoltura biologica aromatizzato al tartufo dell'Azienda Agricola Di Nunzio " che avevo già avuto modo di provare sulle bistecchine di manzo che vi avevo fatto vedere qui ..
In tutta la cucina si è diffuso un tale odore di tartufo.. e poi.. non vi dico al gusto!!!!

Ingr.: (per 2 persone)
gr. 300 di linguine
gr. 300 di macinato di suino
gr. 100 di mancinato di manzo
1 cipolla piccola
pepe nero
1/2 misurino di dado granulare
olio extravergine di oliva
vino bianco secco
Condimento a base di Olio extravergine di Oliva aromatizzato al tartufo Azienda Agricola Di Nunzio

Sauté in a skillet (I used this diam. Cm. Line 24 of the Master Chef ILLA ) over low heat until it is consumed, the made onion into small pieces. Add the ground meat, sauté over high heat, pour the wine and let evaporate. Salt lightly, add a little hot water in which you have dissolved the nut granular and cook ...

Finally add the seasoning made with extra virgin olive oil flavored with truffle farm Di Nunzio season and do well everything. Drain the pasta and let it skip a few seconds in the sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan and black pepper to taste.

Ice Cube In The Vajina

Press Conference: Allegri

MONTEPONELLO - Eve championship number 25 on the season and Monteponello, as usual, is in the process of the technical conference. Here are the statements made by Massimiliano Allegri reporters

"Let us go back to the national championship after the break and I hope that after pulling the plug on a psychological level, some kids who played with their countries has served to recharge the batteries and come back more motivated group. Last week we have not provided a good performance and I have seen these days wants to redeem himself. I hope for all children, without exception. Pirlo? It 's a big disappointment for him and especially for me that I had thought to place it among the owners. Even the fans his cheering loudly when they came to see the training sessions in this morning, though, this is football and we must accept all the joys and sorrows. We hope that after this latest stop is recovered one hundred percent by the end of the season. Borriello? Could start on the bench, but not sure. I have to assess the condition of all. Lazzari owner? It 's more of a guess, but I prefer to resolve the doubts in the afternoon. I expect a major reaction after half slip on Sunday. I want to aggression in midfield and concentration in defense and attack. Physically, we are quite attached to the head, however, we must clear his head for the field always motivated and willing to do the most good. It 's a great effort, I know, but just so you can make a difference. Rivals? I worry for my group, my boys and how to distribute the energy before, during and after the games. For other course I always hope in satisfactory results, but it holds true for everyone, not just for me. "

Press Monteponi Football

Friday, February 11, 2011

Proper Fit Of Karategi

Talk Maldini

BUILDING BELLAVISTA - Yet another stop Pirlo puts distress to the whole environment of Monteponi, also noted that a player returned from injury difficult. This time, however, the leadership goes to the attack and it does so using the words of the Director-General Maldini and exit from the sports center Monteponello said

"We are really sad for Andrea (Pirlo, ed) because he had just recovered from another stop and this really did not want. Perhaps we sfortunati, oppure qualcuno non ci vuole vedere lassù e allora ci augura tanta sfortuna. Spero che non sia così perché è il modo più meschino per sperare di fermarci e se anche ci provano non ci riusciranno comunque. Scherzi o non scherzi, Andrea è il nostro capitano e speriamo che questo sia l'ultimo di una lunga serie di stop per recuperarlo allo sprint finale della stagione. Ora non possiamo più sbagliare, abbiamo bisogno di tutti i ragazzi a disposizione e se avremo costanza nei risultati e volontà di non mollare potremo giocarci la stagione."

Ufficio Stampa Monteponi Calcio