Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Software Driver Giinii 8

Press Conference: the first of Allegri Official Training Day

MONTEPONELLO - It 's late, but it's still got the usual pre-match press conference the new coach of Monteponi, Massimiliano Allegri who wanted to try new purchases an intense and prolonged exercise Afternoon (meeting started at 14.30 and ended at 18.00) preceded in the morning, the ritual and the medical examination of MonteponiLab. But here's the official statements of technical Livorno:

"Output Alessandro Matri after a great mid-season may have played a part chagrin of fans and this is understandable, but few really know how things went. First in its place came a sublime quality player who only needs to recover physically to return to the top after almost two months passed without serious training. Secondly the same Matri was first made an agreement with the red mud and subsequently offered to sell. Apparently he suffered the presence of two other giants like Borriello Zlatan Ibrahimovic, but I think also that it was his best season to date. I do not want kids psychologically tired or afraid. Need to have people ready to do my best whether it is five games games without a catch his breath, both of which will play five games and just one quarter of an hour. They are paid handsomely to make choices and the whole group knows. I still know all, you need patience and groped carburetor as soon as possible. New patterns? In some cases, in others it would be inappropriate to change things if they worked until today. The form is almost identical, we will change attitudes in possession, in certain markings in aggression and collective and individual. Market? It 'got a new package goalkeepers more Cassano, I think that on paper the team has been strengthened, but has demonstrated in the field, already tonight. The market remains open until Saturday morning and half of this game anything is possible, quindi non escludo nulla. La formazione l'ho già consegnata alla dirigenza questo pomeriggio e al momento non intendo cambiarla. Prima vittoria merito mio? Assolutamente no. E' merito di Ancelotti che ha condotto il gruppo fino a mercoledì scorso e di Baresi che ha proseguito fino a sabato. Io mi sono soltanto limitato a dare qualche consiglio. Cosa mi aspetto da stasera? Non conosco ancora tutto il meccanismo, ma mi aspetto sempre il massimo, quindi continuità e risultati positivi."

Ufficio Stampa Monteponi Calcio


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