Friday, February 4, 2011

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Press Conference: Presentation Cassano

PALAZZINA BELLAVISTA - Si è appena conclusa la conferenza stampa di presentazione di Antonio Cassano alla Monteponi. With him the vice-president Galliani has also spoken about the two wins the day for the last six days. Here are the statements by the executive monteponese:

"I must say that the news of our third win of the day brightens the environment and also welcomed this presentation (smiles, ed.) Allegri arrived Friday, and with him two games, two victories this can mean everything and nothing, however, the environment has certainly helped this change and the intensity with which it is imposed from the very first words spoken to the group have done really well. Then, we are still in 4th place, but closer and closer to the train early in the standings. Cassano arrived because Matri asked us to be sold after that he was pleased the involvement of the red mud, which is a sister company with us and whose leadership we have much feeling, and at that point we made our requests. But perhaps few people know, I used the president in the first weeks of the open market in January had already probed the ground with his friend Oi, president of the red mud, for our interest in Cassano, going so far as to propose a its exchange with Matri, who at that time was rejected. So it's entirely fair to say that if Cassano is here and Matri went to their merits should rightly be split in half between Monteponi and red mud. The player arrive for several months without having our staff trained and we examined a project that will take him to improve game after game. We are pleased with his arrival. "

Immediately after the turn of Fantantonio:

" I am proud and happy to play here with these players here. Dr. Galliano, pardon Galliani has been good to me and I also thank Oi Gazzaev and that made me play with them, but now I think about here. Here there is everything: great players, beautiful fields, eating little and that to me I'm sorry, but affannapoli wajò. I was well liked by everyone, I spoke at length with Ibra and gave me many tips Cassana good to do as I did in the past. I also thank President Usai was polite and called me right after I signed the contract here, then we saw yesterday in training and he also embraced, but not my type (general laughter, ed.) Now I want to show everyone who is knitting me here and I'll earn more than anything to help out the team. Scudetto? Anything is possible, but we have much work to do before you play with those who are higher up. Women? I m married and I've got family and I have to keep your head quiet, otherwise hunt me here now and the fines are too much salt (more laughter in the room, Ed.) In the field again on Sunday? I am available, but it must be said that Mr. Allegri if I play or not, I'm going to continue, but I still be done, I am aware of what is here. Borriello? I've got already played in Italy, is a good wajone and I have fun with him. "

Resumes heard again Galliani:

" Okay, despite the colorful language of Antonio (Cassano, ed), we can say they have found a great champion that will brighten even the training sessions (everyone laughs, ed.) Now the bike has so pedalareee Allegri. "

Press Monteponi Football


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