Saturday, February 5, 2011

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24th Day Press Conference: New Allegri and Usai

MONTEPONELLO - Giornata snervante e ricca di passione quella che vede oggi protagonista the Monteponi Football. After buying the last major pieces to enhance the athletic group, the output of Chivu for behavior not shared by management and the latest news of a possible twinning arrangement with masm Sarda, here come live the words of coach Allegri accompanied I used a press conference by the president, landed at the training center this morning with his personal brand-new helicopter. He began the coach:

"I just finished my first week at Monteponi and I am very happy to coach this group. Beyond the two important victories that are good for the morale and the corporate coffers, I'm happy for the behavior and aggression competitions that have show my players in those games and in training. We are doing an important job to retrieve the injured and strengthen the structure of the tactical module with which it takes the field, not the soul but it remained well intact and that helped all the results achieved to date. I will not, however, lapses in concentration because now it's time to concede nothing to his opponents. We must not give up and to do this is tactical intelligence and constant results. The arrival of Van Bommel can give us even more aggressive in the middle, maybe being careful not to take too many tags, and relies heavily on the recovery of Pirlo. Many thought that eventually was sold, instead, I asked espressamente alla società di non lasciarlo partire. Chi scende in campo? Chi sta meglio e chi se lo merita, e l'olandese potrebbe partire già da titolare. Pretendo il massimo da tutti, poi i risultati possono arrivare come non arrivare, ma solo dando il massimo possiamo avere più chance di recuperare. Scudetto? E' illogico e prematuro parlarne ora, specialmente se non ne parlano i colleghi che stanno più in alto di noi, penso che sarà un discorso rifattibile nelle ultime otto o sette giornate di campionato, prima è solo aria per la bocca. Devo ancora valutare nel pomeriggio le condizioni di tre giocatori che per ora sono in forse, quindi è inutile dire chi scende in campo o meno."

Accanto a lui il presidente Usai, dozen questions from reporters in the room printing, direct order from the print head Piccinini:

"begin by saying that I'm happy for the final results. They already allow us to close the balance between investment in equality that I put in my pocket revenues and prize money, hoping perhaps to bring in even more active with more victories. My anyway and I'm glad I did. Chivu? respond by saying that I have always had a great relationship with all players who have come to the Monteponi throughout the year. The company makes available to them all the comforts and advantages to fit better and give their best, but in return I demand respect. Respect for the corporate image, per chi ci lavora con passione, entusiasmo e prestigio. Ogni giocatore che arriva da noi sa bene che la firma del contratto non significa soltanto io gioco e tu mi paghi, ma assecondare, condividere e rispettare il nostro regolamento interno, cioè uno statuto fatto di regole etiche e morali che tutti, io per primo, dobbiamo sottostare per garantire il prosieguo delle attività. Noi siamo come un grande famiglia che come tutte ha i suoi bei momenti e quelli meno belli, ma non andiamo a sputtanarci fuori perché il detto dice che i panni sporchi si lavano in casa. L'atteggiamento di Chivu è stato inopportuno, antisportivo e lesivo nei confronti dell'immagine del mio club e, proprio facendo riferimento al nostro statuto, mi sono visto costretto non solo a pecuniary penalty order quite salty, but also, as has happened, to terminate the contract. Now of course I wish him to get back soon, we'll close the economically because we are neither of the infamous, much less carrion, but respect has a price. New arrivals? Were performed after a meeting we had yesterday morning with technical Allegri and we considered it appropriate to replace both Chivu is Memushai Jeda and who did not believe in training. Felipe arrive can be a good plug in defense, Van Bommel leading experience and strength in midfield and that Lucas has accepted the post of reserve of our strikers, but always ready to go. Twinning with masm Sarda? Well, it is news I was blown away because, as in the idea was already under construction for some time, do not expect it at this time. I have a feeling of deep friendship with the president Garau, which also maintain relationships with political and business. Of course, we should expect a minimum of friendship even in the unlikely event of the acquisition of Pato, when all my colleagues knew that we were going to buy false papers and not having shown interest went on the safe side, then you all know how it ended. But it's water under the bridge and I can say that the misfortune of not being able to take the sample spoke to fans throughout the summer, we were fortunate to have liquids useful for the purchase of Ibrahimovic. So twinning? I guess I just will not impose limits, but I believe that they can be thought of as a way to bring the fans and make them safer and friends together. So it started as early in the day the cards to make the partnership agreement with masm Sarda, in addition to on merit, Atletico and mud. It also accepted the proposed exchange? I believe that Galliani dall'Atahotel outlet in Milan this morning (home of the transfers, ed) has given his all with the ^ market closed? ^ Strachiuso until April so no. Apart from that we can not ration more than six players from the same team (Milan: Abate, Pirlo, Van Bommel, Emanuelson, Cassano and Ibrahimovic, ed), but then they did a superinvestimento on Pato, figures, it has scored eight goals against the nine Borriello, but he also played only twelve games against the ten officers in more than Borriello. Pato has unfortunately suffered the injury last season too, but I believe he will return and will give big smiles to the President and my friend Garau. "

Press Monteponi Football


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