Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Does Throat Hurt When Getting Period

Fusilli al pomodoro e origano

Here we are at the beginning of a new week ..
not know about you .. but I. .. want for the time .. Look for another set of reasons .. I'm physically download !!!!!
I save only the arrival of spring I'm afraid! ahahahahaha

This recipe is too simple and straightforward for you?? Maybe! However, an alternative .. even more good for me .. the classic tomato and basil .. and I wanted to share it ... maybe you never thought of that! :-D
I did it knowing Ric .. and in fact is that he 'has prepared! We wanted to use
Pomilla of ILLA .. perfectly suited to preparing a pot of sauce .. because of the color red and the lid in the shape of tomatoes! This is not love? ;-)

Ingr.: (2 persons)
gr. 300 fusilli
a big jar of peeled tomatoes 1 clove garlic

extra virgin olive oil salt oregano

pepper Preparation:
In una pentola (io ho utilizzato Pomilla della ILLA) fate soffriggere l'aglio nell'olio, unite i pomodori ed iniziate la cottura aggiungendo acqua se occorre. Aggiustate di sale, peperoncino ed origano. Cuocete per almeno 1 ora. Servite cospargendo di origano a piacere.


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